Exercise 2.3

Exercises: 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7 | 2.8 | 2.9

2.3 More than One Pitch Accent in a Phrase (ZIP - 1.2 MB) (The ZIP file contains: 10 .textgrid, 9 .wav, and 1 .pdf files.)

A. Listening Exercises

The following files all contain Intonational Phrases with 2 pitch accents, produced on various texts, by various speakers:

  1. H* H* L-L% (ex3a1) (all familiar, another banana, I see you)
  2. L* L* H-H% (ex3a2) (was it only Amelia, is that true, in here)
  3. L* H* L-L% (ex3a3) (Ray will leave, a bottle of water, like a banana)
  4. H* L* H-H% (ex3a4) (I was wrong, was it some arugula, I don't like marmalade)

B: Labelling Exercises

The following files may contain

  1. Intonational Phrases with either one or more pitch accents and/or
  2. More than one Intonational Phrase. (Label them using the inventory we've seen so far: H*, L*, H-H% and L-L% tones and 0, 1 or 4 breaks.)
    1. ex3b1banana (another banana)
    2. ex3b2banana (another banana)
    3. ex3b3onion (was it an onion)
    4. ex3b4shoe (if the shoe fits wear it)
    5. ex3b5watermelon (a watermelon)

C: Further Exercises

Make your own recording: Try to produce the same text with varying number and placement of pitch accents. For example, try saying the words another banana in a single Intonational Phrase

  • with a pitch accent on another,
  • with a pitch accent on banana, and
  • with 2 pitch accents, one on each of the two words. Try varying your pitch accent types between H* and L*, as well as your phrase accent-boundary tone combinations.

Here are some combinations you might want to try:

H* L-L% vs. H* H* L-L% and L* H* L-L% or, L* H-H% vs L* L* H-H% or H* L* H-H%