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Topics covered: George Russell and modal jazz
Instructor: Dr. Mark Harvey
Due to copyright restrictions, recordings played during class have been removed from the audio lecture. See the following table for details on those recordings.
Recordings and Supplemental Materials
This section gives details about the recordings played during class and other referenced resources.
In sequence as played during class:
Tracks | Compositions | Recording Sources |
1 | George Russell. "All About Rosie." Excerpt of movement I (duration 2:30) and II (duration 4:30). | Bill Evans and Orchestra. Brandeis Jazz Festival, 1957. Gambit, 2005. |
2 | George Russell. "All About Rosie." Excerpt of movement II (duration 4:30). | Bill Evans and Orchestra. Brandeis Jazz Festival, 1957. Gambit, 2005. |
3 | George Russell."African Game." Excerpt of opening (duration 2:00). | The African Game. Blue Note, 1983. |
4 | George Russell."African Game." Excerpt of final movement (duration 3:00). | The African Game. Blue Note, 1983. |
5 | Mark Harvey. "The Seeker." (excerpts) | Excerpts from the beginning and end of this recording have been retained in the audio lecture. Performed by Aardvark Jazz Orchestra, recorded live at Regattabar, Cambridge MA, March 21, 2001. Full-length MP3 provided on the OCW listening page; alternate recording of this composition released on The Seeker. Leo Records, 2000. |
Russell, George. The Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal Organization for Improvisation. Brookline, MA: Concept Publishing Company, 2001 (updated edition, first published in 1959.) ISBN: 9789999891110.
Interview with George Russell, "Where Do We Go From Here?" In The Jazz Word. Dom Cerulli et al., editors. New York, NY: Da Capo Press, 1987 (reprint of 1960 original). ISBN: 9780306802881.