Archived Writing and Humanistic Studies Courses

These Writing and Humanistic Studies courses have been archived in OCW's DSpace@MIT Repository for long-term access and preservation. In most cases, an archived course is an older version which has been replaced on the OCW site by a more recent version with the same (or similar) course number and title. The complete list of archived OCW courses from all departments can be viewed on the Archived Courses page.

Course # Course Title Level
21W.730-1 Imagining the Future (Spring 2004) Undergraduate
21W.730-2 Expository Writing - Food for Thought: Writing and Reading about Food and Culture (Fall 2005) Undergraduate
21W.730-4 Writing and the Environment (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
21W.730-5 Writing About Literature (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
21W.731-1 Writing and Experience: Culture Shock! Writing, Editing, and Publishing in Cyberspace (Fall 2005) Undergraduate
21W.731-3 Culture Shock! (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
21W.734J Writing About Literature (Fall 2006) Undergraduate
21W.739J Darwin and Design (Fall 2009) Undergraduate
21W.739J Darwin and Design (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
21W.742J Writing About Race (Spring 2007) Undergraduate
21W.742J Writing About Race (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
21W.745 Advanced Essay Workshop (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
21W.747 Rhetoric (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
21W.747-3 Classical Rhetoric and Modern Politics (Spring 2006) Undergraduate
21W.755 Writing and Reading Short Stories (Fall 2006) Undergraduate
21W.769J Playwrights' Workshop (Spring 2007) Undergraduate
21W.775 Writing about Nature and Environmental Issues (Spring 2006) Undergraduate
21W.777 The Science Essay (Spring 2004) Undergraduate
21W.780 Communicating in Technical Organizations (Spring 2006) Undergraduate
21W.784 Becoming Digital: Writing About Media Change (Fall 2005) Undergraduate