Hiragana "ta" - "to"

Stroke order: (MOV)

Printed form:

Reading: ta

Usage Examples:
たこ (tako) octopus
たかい (takai) expensive

Stroke order: (MOV)

Printed form:

Reading: ti/chi

Usage Examples:
つち (tuti/tsuchi) soil
ちち (titi/chichi) father

Stroke order: (MOV)

Printed form:

Reading: tu/tsu

Usage Examples:
きつつき (kitutuki/titsutsuki) woodpecker
つかう (tukau/tsukau) to use

Stroke order: (MOV)

Printed form:

Reading: te

Usage Examples:
(te) hand
ちかてつ (tikatetu/chikatetsu) subway

Stroke order: (MOV)

Printed form:

Reading: to

Usage Examples:
(to) door
おととい (ototoi) the day before yesterday

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