Lecture Notes

Ses # Topics Lecture Titles
1 Introduction Rising Storm: State of the Union Address
2 Humans in Space A Journey into Space

Humans in Space Lecture Notes

Physiological Systems
3 Exploration in Extreme Environments ICE Stuster Slides

Risk and Exploration: Earth, Sea and the Stars
4 Bone Changes in Space Bone Dynamics Examples - Fall and Beam Analysis

Bone Slides 1

Bone Slides 2

Bone Summary Mindmap

Russian Bone Data
5 Muscle Mechanisms I Muscle Mechanics I
6 Muscle Mechanisms II Muscle Slides

Muscle Spindle and Model

Muscle Summary
7 Motor Control Optimization Motor Control Slides
8 Quiz 1
9 Musculoskeletal Dynamics and Control Dynamics Lecture Notes
10 Cardiovascular System Introduction to the CV System

Models of Peripheral Circulation

The Heart as a Pump
11 Cardiovascular Control Control of the CV System
12 Cardiovascular Simulation CV Computational Model

CV Response to Gravitational Stress
13 Countermeasures and Artificial Gravity Countermeasures and Artificial Gravity
14 Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Extravehicular Activity (EVA)

An Investigation of the Space Suit

EVA Lecture, Prof. Hoffman
15 EVA II: Research Advanced EVA Research
16 Teaching and Outreach I
17 Teaching and Outreach II