[NASA/SP-2007-6105] = NASA Headquarters. NASA Systems Engineering Handbook, NASA/SP-2007–6105 Rev 1. Military Bookshop, 2007. ISBN: 9781780391380.
1 | Systems Engineering Overview and Stakeholder Analysis |
[NASA/SP-2007–6105] Chapters 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, pp. 1–30 and Section 4.1, pp. 31–39. Section 6.1, pp. 112–30 and Section 7.1, pp. 217–33. Section 7.6, pp. 261 and Appendix A, pp. 263–5. Appendix B, pp. 266–78 and Appendix J, pp. 303–6. Appendix K, p. 308 and Appendix P, pp. 317–20.
ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015, Systems and Software Engineering—System Life Cycle Processes. Feng, W., E. F. Crawley, et al. " |
2 | Requirements Definition |
[NASA/SP-2007–6105] Section 4.2, pp. 40–48. Section 6.2, pp. 131–5. Appendix C, pp. 279–81. Appendix D, pp. 282–3. Peña, M., and R. Valerdi. "Characterizing the Impact of Requirements Volatility on Systems Engineering Effort." Systems Engineering 18, no. 1 (2015): 59–70. de Weck, O. L., and M. B. Jones. "Isoperformance: Analysis and Design of Complex Systems with Desired Outcomes." Systems Engineering 9, no. 1 (2006): 45–61. |
3 | Introduction to Systems Modeling Languages |
Modelica Specification and Open Modelica User Guide. |
4 | System Architecture and Concept Generation |
[NASA/SP-2007–6105] Section 4.3, pp. 49–54. Section 7.2, pp. 234–40. Appendix F, pp. 285–92. Appendix G, pp. 293–8. Crawley, Edward, Olivier de Weck, et al. |
5 | Tradespace Exploration and Concept Selection |
[NASA/SP-2007–6105] Section 4.4, pp. 55–70. Section 6.8, pp. 197–216. Appendix O, p. 316. Ross, A. M., D. Hastings, et al. "Multi-Attribute Tradespace Exploration as Front End for Effective Space System Design." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 41, no. 1 (2004): 20–28. Frey, D., P. Herder, et al. "The Pugh Controlled Convergence Method: Model-based Evaluation and Implications for Design Theory." Research in Engineering Design 20, no. 1 (2008): 41–58. |
6 | Design Definition and Multidisciplinary Optimization |
[NASA/SP-2007–6105] Section 4.4 Design Solution Definition, pp. 55–70. Section 5.1, pp. 73–77. Section 6.5, pp. 151–7. Section 6.6, pp. 158–65. Section 7.2, Integrated Design Facilities, pp. 234–41. Appendix M, p. 311. Agte, J., O. de Weck, et al. "MDO: Assessment and Direction for Advancement—An Opinion of One International Group." Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 40, no. 17 (2010): 17–33. Ivanov, Anton, et al. |
Individual Written Online Quiz | ||
7 | MBSE and Introduction to CAD (Guest Lecture from Solidworks) |
[NASA/SP-2007–6105] Section 7.3, pp. 242–5.
8 | Systems Integration and Interface Management |
[NASA/SP-2007–6105] Section 5.2, pp. 78–82. Section 6.3, pp. 136–8. Section 6.7, pp. 166–96. Appendix H, pp. 299–300. Appendix L, pp. 309–10. Appendix N, pp. 312–5. Tahan, M., J. Z. Ben-Asher. "Modeling and Analysis of Integration Processes for Engineering Systems." Systems Engineering 8, no. 1 (2005): 62–77. |
9 | Verification and Validation |
[NASA/SP-2007–6105] Section 5.3, pp. 83–97. Section 5.4, pp. 98–105. Appendix E, p. 284. Appendix I, p. 301. Leveson, N. |
10 | Commissioning and Operations |
[NASA/SP-2007–6105] Section 5.5, pp. 106–10. Shishko, R. "Developing Analogy Cost Estimates for Space Missions." Space 2004 Conference and Exhibit (2004): 28–30. |
11 | Lifecycle Management |
ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015, Systems and Software Engineering—System Life Cycle Processes. de Weck, O. L., A. Ross, et al. |
12 | Prototyping and Manufacturing |
New Approaches in Systems Engineering, e.g. DARPA META. de Weck, O. L. "Feasibility of a 5x Speedup in System Development due to META Design." Paper DETC2012–70791, ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) (2012): 12–15. |
Two-page Personal Reflective Memos Due and Oral Exams |