1-2 | Course Introduction: Anthropology and the Senses |
Lecture 1 Herzfeld, Michael. "Senses." Chapter 11 in Anthropology: Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2001, pp. 240-253. ISBN: 063120658. Lecture 2 Classen, Constance. "Worlds of Sense." Chapter 6 in Worlds of Sense: Exploring the Senses in History and Across Cultures. London, UK; New York, NY: Routledge, 1993, pp. 121-138. ISBN: 9780415101264. Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, and Margaret Lock. "The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1, no. 1 (March 1987): 6-41. (New series)
3-5 | Healing the Body in Ancient Greece and China |
Lecture 3 Kuriyama, Shigehisa. The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine. New York, NY: Zone Books, 1999, preface, and chapter 1, pp. 7-60. ISBN: 9780942299885. Chevigny, Katy, and Julia Pimsleur. Journey to the West: Chinese Medicine Today. 57 min. 2001. Lecture 4 Kuriyama, Shigehisa. The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine. New York, NY: Zone Books, 1999, chapters 2, and 4, pp. 61-108 and 153-192. ISBN: 9780942299885. Lecture 5 Kuriyama, Shigehisa. The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine. New York, NY: Zone Books, 1999, chapter 6, pp. 233-272. ISBN: 9780942299885.
6-8 | Philosophy, Medicine, and the Senses in Early-Modern Europe |
Lecture 6 Descartes. "Discourse on the Method." In The Philosophical Writings of Descartes. Vol. 1. Cambridge (Cambridgeshire), UK; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp. 111-151. ISBN: 9780521245944. Damasio, Antonio. "A Passion for Reasoning." Chapter 11 in Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam, 1994, pp. 244-252. ISBN: 9780399138942. Wachowski, Andy, and Larry Wachowski. The Matrix. 136 min. 1999. (Excerpts) Lecture 7 Bylebyl, Jerome. "The Manifest and the Hidden in the Renaissance Clinic." In Medicine and the Five Senses. Edited by W. F. Bynum, and Roy Porter. Cambridge, UK; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. 40-60. ISBN: 9780521611985. Palmer, Richard. "In Bad Odour: Smell and Its Significance in Medicine from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century." In Medicine and the Five Senses. Cambridge, UK; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. 61-68. ISBN: 9780521611985. Porter, Roy. "The Rise of Physical Examination." In Medicine and the Five Senses. Cambridge, UK; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. 179-197. ISBN: 9780521611985. Lecture 8 Keller, Eve. "The Subject of Touch: Medical Authority in Early Modern Midwifery." In Sensible Flesh: On Touch in Early Modern Culture. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002, pp. 62-80. ISBN: 9780812218299. Stevens, Scott Manning. "New World Contacts and the Trope of the 'Naked Savage." In Sensible Flesh: On Touch in Early Modern Culture. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002, pp. 124-140. ISBN: 9780812218299. Classen, Constance. "The Witch's Senses: Sensory Ideologies and Transgressive Femininities from the Renaissance to Modernity." In Empire of the Senses: The Sensual Culture Reader. Oxford, UK; New York, NY: Berg, 2005, pp. 70-84. ISBN: 9781859738634.
9-10 | Uncanny Experience and Sensing the Sacred in the Modern West |
Lecture 9 Otto, Rudolf. "On Numinous Experience as Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans." In Experience of the Sacred: Readings in the Phenomenology of Religion. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1992, pp. 77-85. ISBN: 9780874515305. Freud, Sigmund. The Uncanny. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2003, pp. 123-162. ISBN: 9780142437476. James, William. "The Reality of the Unseen." Chapter 3 in The Varieties of Religious Experience. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985, pp. 59-77. ISBN: 0674932250. Lecture 10 James, William. "Conversion," and "Mysticism." In The Varieties of Religious Experience. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985, chapters 9-10, and 16-17, pp. 160-210 and 299-336. ISBN: 9780674932258. Ramachandran, V. S., and Sandra Blakeslee. "God and the Limbic System." Chapter 9 in Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind. New York, NY: William Morrow, 1998, pp. 174-198. ISBN: 9780688152475.
11 | Memory, Belief, and the Politics of Mind |
Leys, Ruth. "Traumatic Cures: Shell Shock, Janet, and the Question of Memory." In Tense Past: Cultural Essays in Trauma and Memory. Edited by Paul Antze, and Michael Lambek. New York, NY: Routledge, 1996, pp. 103-145. ISBN: 9780415915632. Young, Allan. "Bodily Memory and Traumatic Memory." In Tense Past: Cultural Essays in Trauma and Memory. Edited by Paul Antze, and Michael Lambek. New York, NY: Routledge, 1996, pp. 89-102. ISBN: 9780415915632. Kaptchuk, Ted. J. "Intentional Ignorance: A History of Blind Assessment and Placebo Controls in Medicine." Bull Hist Med 72 (1998): 389-433.
12 | Intersubjectivity, Phenomenology, Emotion, and Embodiment |
Csordas, Thomas J. "Somatic Modes of Attention." In Body/Meaning/Healing. Hampshire, UK; New York, NY: Palgrave, 2002, pp. 241-259. ISBN: 9780312293918. Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. "Other Selves and the Human World." In Phenomenology of Perception. London, UK; New York, NY: Routledge, 2002, pp. 346-365. ISBN: 9780415278416. Varela, Francisco J., Evan Thompson, and Eleanor Rosch. "What Do We Mean 'Human Experience'?" In The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992, pp. 15-33. ISBN: 9780262720212.
13-14 | Intersubjectivity and Ruptured Social Senses |
Lecture 13 Favret-Saada, Jeanne, and Catherine Cullen. "Unbewitching as Therapy." American Ethnologist 1, no. 1 (February 1989): 40-56. Robarchek, Clayton, and Carole Robarchek. "Waorani Grief and the Witch-Killer's Rage: Worldview, Emotion, and Anthropological Explanation." Ethos 33, no. 2 (2005): 206-230. Lecture 14 James, Erica. "Haunting Ghosts: Madness, Gender and Ensekirite in Haiti in the Democratic Era." in Postcolonial Disorders, (forthcoming) edited by Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good, Sandra Hyde, and Byron Good. Ms. Paul Farmer, "Sending Sickness: Sorcery, Politics, and Changing Concepts of AIDS in Rural Haiti." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1, no. 4 (March 1990): 6-27. Lescot, Anne, and Laurence Magloire. Of Men and Gods. 52 min. 2002.
15-24 | Sensory Ethnographies |
Lecture 15 Desjarlais, Robert R. Body and Emotion: The Aesthetics of Illness and Healing in the Nepal Himalayas. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992, chapters 1-2, pp. 3-89. ISBN: 9780812214345. Reichle, Franz. The Knowledge of Healing. 89 min. 1997. Lecture 16 Desjarlais, Robert. Body and Emotion: The Aesthetics of Illness and Healing in the Nepal Himalayas. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992, chapters 4-7, pp. 90-197. ISBN: 9780812214345. Reichle, Franz. The Knowledge of Healing. 89 min. 1997. Lecture 17 Desjarlais, Robert. Body and Emotion: The Aesthetics of Illness and Healing in the Nepal Himalayas. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992, chapters 8-10, pp. 198-253. ISBN: 9780812214345. Lecture 18 Roseman, Marina. Healing Sounds from the Malaysian Rainforest: Temiar Music and Medicine. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1993, chapters 1-3, pp. 1-79. ISBN: 9780520082816. Lecture 19 Dream Songs and Healing Sounds in the Rainforests of Malaysia. Washington, DC: Smithsonian/Folkways, 1995. (Sound recording) Roseman, Marina. Healing Sounds from the Malaysian Rainforest: Temiar Music and Medicine. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1993, chapter 4, pp. 80-128. ISBN: 9780520082816. Lecture 20 Roseman, Marina. Healing Sounds from the Malaysian Rainforest: Temiar Music and Medicine. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1993, chapters 5-7, pp. 129-184. ISBN: 9780520082816. Lecture 21 Stoller, Paul. Sensuous Scholarship. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997, prologue, parts 1 and 2, pp. ix-73. ISBN: 9780812216158. Lecture 22 Klima, Alan. The Funeral Casino: Meditation, Massacre, and Exchange with the Dead in Thailand. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002, chapters 1, and 2, read chapters 3-5, pp. 53-165. ISBN: 9780691074603. (Skim) Lecture 23 Klima, Alan. The Funeral Casino: Meditation, Massacre, and Exchange with the Dead in Thailand. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002, chapter 6, pp. 169-230. ISBN: 9780691074603. Lecture 24 Klima, Alan. The Funeral Casino: Meditation, Massacre, and Exchange with the Dead in Thailand. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002, chapter 7, pp. 231-290. ISBN: 9780691074603.
25-26 | Mind-Body Medicine, Research and the State |
Lecture 25 NCCAM. Expanding Horizons of Healthcare: Five-Year Strategic Plan 2005-2009. (PDF - 9.9MB) Ramachandran, V. S., and Sandra Blakeslee. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind. New York, NY: William Morrow, 1998, chapters 3, and 11, pp. 39-62, and 212-226. ISBN: 9780688152475. Lecture 26 Ramachandran, V. S., and Sandra Blakeslee. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind New York. NY: William Morrow, 1998, chapters 10, and 12, pp. 199-211, and 227-257. ISBN: 9780688152475.