Course Meeting Times
Lectures: Two sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session
The course is primarily based on recent scientific literature, but these books may provide helpful background.
Recommended Textbook
Dewick, Paul M. Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach. 2nd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001. ISBN: 9780471496410 (paperback);
ISBN: 9780471496403 (hardcover).
Optional Textbook
Silverman, Richard B. The Organic Chemistry of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780126437317.
Homework 1 | 25% |
Homework 2 | 25% |
Homework 3 | 25% |
Exam | 25% |
Academic Honesty
It is expected that students will maintain the highest standards of academic honesty.
With respect to homework assignments, it is expected that no student will turn in work that is not his or her own by copying the work of another student or by using the work or solutions from this course given in previous years. Discussion of approaches to solving the homework problems after attempting to work the problems independently, however, is permitted and encouraged.
It is expected that during a test or examination, a student will not:
- accept or use information of any kind from other students,
- represent the work of another student as his or her own,
- use aids to memory other than those expressly permitted by the examiner.
Following a test or examination, a student will not try to deceive teachers or graders by misrepresenting or altering his or her previous work. In advance of a test or exam, a student will not knowingly obtain access to the exam questions.
Departures from the above standards are contrary to fundamental principles of MIT and of the larger scientific community. Such departures are considered serious offenses for which disciplinary penalties, including suspension and expulsion, can be imposed.