Ses # | Topics | readings |
Lec 1 | Introduction | Talbot, David. "How Tech Failed in Iraq." MIT Technology Review. |
Lab 1 | Doctor Strangelove | Screening: Kubrick, Stanley. Doctor Strangelove. |
Lec 2 | Fictions of War, Philosophy of War, History of War |
Tzu, Sun. Art of War. Translated by Lionel Giles. Sections I-VIII, The Internet Classics Archive. Thucydides. "Outbreak of War." In History of the Peloponnesian War. Penguin Classics. Book II, pp. 124-193.
Lab 2 |
Ran Air Force |
Screening: Kurosawa. Ran. 1985. Hawks. Air Force. 1943. |
Lec 3 | WWII: Code Wars |
Hardt, Michael, and Antonio Negri. Multitude. New York, NY: The Penguin Press, pp. 12-62, notes: pp. 361-369. |
Lab 3 | Akira |
Screening: Katsuhiro 'tomo. Akira. Weiguang, Shen. "Information War - A New Challenge." pp. 84-95. Kittler, Friedrich. "On the History of the Theory of Information Warfare." pp. 266-272. From: Infowar, Ars Electronica Center (Springer Wien/New York). |
Lab 4 | Rumsfeld's War | Screening: Frontline: Rumsfeld's War. PBS, 2004. |
Lec 5 |
The New War Machines Guest Speaker: Owen Cote, Associate Director of Security Studies at MIT | Cote, Owen. "The New War Machines." MIT Technology Review (March 21, 2003). |
Lab 5 |
Eternal War Research Topics: Discussion of Final Papers and Projects Control Room | Screening: Noujaim, Jehane. Control Room. 2004. |
Lec 6 | History of War Technologies/War Games |
Lab 6 |
War Games
Screening: Badham, John. War Games. Secrets of War: Spy Games of World War II. 1998. America's Army (Web Game) Patriot Act (Web) War Against Terror (Web) Interview Hyperlink: Democracy Now. Thursday, February 12, 2004. |
Lec 7 | First-Person Shooters |
Haldeman, Joe. The Forever War. Eos.
Lab 7 | The Fog of War | Screening: Morris, Erol. The Fog of War. |
Lec 8 |
Virtuous War Guest Speaker: James der Derian |
Silberman, Steve. "The War Room." Wired (September 2004): 150-155, 171-173. Virilio, Paul, and Sylvere Lotringer. Pure War. Semiotext(e) Foreign Agent Series. Chapters 1-3, pp. 9-36. |
Lab 8 |
Virtual War After 9/11 Wag the Dog |
Levinson, Barry. Wag the Dog. Screening: der Derian. After 9/11. |
Lec 9 |
Man Machines: Race and War Guest Speakers: Director Reggie Hudlin and Comic Artist Kyle Baker, Birth of a Nation Comic Book Project |
Truth Series. Marvel Comics. Adas, Michael. Machines as the Measure of Men. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, pp. 343-401.
Lab 9 | Birth of a Nation and Hearts of the World | Screening: Griffith, D. W. Birth of a Nation and Hearts of the World. 1918. |
Lec 10 | 21 Century War: The War in Iraq and the Branding of Terrorism |
Sante, Luc. "Tourists and Torturers." New York Times, May 11, 2004. Hiro, Dilip. War Without End: The Rise of Islamist Terrorism and the Global Response. New York, NY: Routledge. "The Rise of Islam," pp. 3-24. "Islamist Terrorism and Global Response." pp. 267-434. Agamben, Giorgio. "We Refugees."
Van Creveld, Martin. Technology and War: From 2000 B.C. to the Present. Chapters 19-Conclusion, pp. 285-320. Michael, John. "Beyond Us and Them: Identity and Terror from an Arab American's Perspective." The South Atlantic Quarterly 102, no. 4 (Fall 2003): 701-728. |
Lab 10 | Battle of Algiers | Screening: Battle of Algiers. |
Lec 11 | Project Presentations | |
Lab 11 | Project Presentations (cont.) | |
Lec 12 | Project Presentations (cont.) | |
Lab 12 | Project Presentations (cont.) |