Whimsical optical illusion drawing of a non-physical 3 pole magnet with electromagnetic wave sinusoids connecting magnet poles representing the study of electromagnetic fields and applications in this course. (Image by Prof. Markus Zahn.)
Prof. David Staelin
Prof. Erich Ippen
Prof. Markus Zahn
MIT Course Number
6.013 / ESD.013J
As Taught In
Fall 2005
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
This course explores electromagnetic phenomena in modern applications, including wireless communications, circuits, computer interconnects and peripherals, optical fiber links and components, microwave communications and radar, antennas, sensors, micro-electromechanical systems, motors, and power generation and transmission. Fundamentals covered include: quasistatic and dynamic solutions to Maxwell's equations; waves, radiation, and diffraction; coupling to media and structures; guided and unguided waves; resonance; and forces, power, and energy.
The instructors would like to thank Robert Haussman for transcribing into LaTeX the problem set and Quiz 2 solutions.
Other Versions
Other OCW Versions
OCW has published multiple versions of this subject.