Peak pattern with a magnetic field of about 330 Gauss perpendicular to an oil-based ferrofluid layer. The peaks initiate in an hexagonal array when the magnetic surface force exceeds the stabilizing effects of fluid weight and surface tension. (Image by Prof. Markus Zahn.)
Prof. Markus Zahn
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Fall 2008
Course Description
Course Features
- Faculty introduction - video
- Lecture notes
- Assignments: problem sets with solutions
- Exams and solutions
Course Description
This course focuses on laws, approximations and relations of continuum electromechanics. Topics include mechanical and electromechanical transfer relations, statics and dynamics of electromechanical systems having a static equilibrium, electromechanical flows, and field coupling with thermal and molecular diffusion. Also covered are electrokinetics, streaming interactions, application to materials processing, magnetohydrodynamic and electrohydrodynamic pumps and generators, ferrohydrodynamics, physiochemical systems, heat transfer, continuum feedback control, electron beam devices, and plasma dynamics.
The instructor would like to thank Xuancheng Shao and Anyang Hou for transcribing into LaTeX the problem set solutions and exam solutions, respectively.