Course logo for high speed communication circuits and systems. (Image courtesy of Michael Perrott, with help from Sue Yee and Michelle Ho.)
Prof. Hae-Seung Lee
Prof. Michael Perrott
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Spring 2005
Course Description
Course Features
Course Highlights
This course features a complete set of lecture notes and assignments. In addition, custom software for this course is freely available.
Course Description
6.776 covers circuit level design issues of high speed communication systems, with primary focus being placed on wireless and broadband data link applications. Specific circuit topics include transmission lines, high speed and low noise amplifiers, VCO's, mixers, power amps, high speed digital circuits, and frequency synthesizers. In addition to learning analysis skills for the above items, students will gain a significant amount of experience in simulating RF circuits in SPICE and also building RF circuits within a lab project.