
[ISC] = Buy at Amazon Cornelius C. Kubler, Intermediate Spoken Chinese. Tuttle Publishing, Rutland, 2013. ISBN: 9780804850490


Choose one of the following two topics:

  1. 我在⿇省理⼯学院的⽣活(shēnghuó: life)
  2. 如果我去中国

Essay Format

  1. Typed
  2. Size 14
  3. Double space


  1. Your essay should be composed of at least 500 Chinese characters; 600 at maximum (1 to 1.5 pages)
  2. You should incorporate at least 4 sentence patterns from [ISC] Units 13–14 into your essay. Please underline them.
  3. Besides grammar and sentence structures, be sure to pay attention to coherence of your essay (e.g. Is your essay logical? Are the sentences connected with appropriate transition words?)


Your grade for essay will be based on the following components:

Written Essay: 60%

  • Grammar 30%
  • Content (cohesion and complexity) 20%
  • Wrong characters 10%

Oral Presentation: 40%

  • Accuracy 10%
  • Fluency 20%
  • Presentation 10%