Course Meeting Times
Lectures: 4 sessions / week, 1 hour / session
This is a 4-skills course, which means you will be working on improving your skills in reading, listening, speaking, and writing. At this level, you will increase your reading speed, develop your ability to interpret literary texts, and discuss a variety of social and political topics. You will expand your vocabulary and practice the art of expressing yourself in concise written form. You will practice aural comprehension and strengthen your oral communicative competence in various modes of discussion and everyday conversation.
Lesen: | See readings for material to be covered in class. |
Lernen: | Daily vocabuary from the readings and from the chapters assigned in Reden-Mitreden-Dazwischenreden (see note on "Kladde"). The grammar material covered in Wells' Handbuch and in grammar handouts. Additional individual review may be necessary. |
Schreiben: | In your "Kladde", daily: a 4-sentence summary of each reading assignment, plus at least 1 discussion question. Enter vocabulary from class list. (See below under "Erwerb neuen Vokabulars.") Occasional worksheets and grammar exercises to be handed in as indicated. Four essays during the term (2-3 pages in length). Please type ca. 400 words/page, double-spaced, leave 1+1/4" margins. You will revise the first 3 essays following a first reading by the instructor. Both versions will be graded. The fourth essay will be submitted in its final version only. |
Zuhören: | In the LLARC you will listen to conversations between native speakers on audio cassettes, selected video material and work with the interactive hypermedia Berliner sehen. The cassette for Reden-Mitreden-Dazwischenreden that comes with the book you can also listen to at home. |
Mündliches: | Discussion of texts, oral reports on current events, 10-minute oral presentation. |
Wells, Larry D. Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik. 3rd ed. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2000. ISBN: 0618013431. (Lehrbuch und Arbeitsheft).
Crocker, Ellen, and Claire Kramsch. Reden-Mitreden-Dazwischenreden. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1990. ISBN: 0838419402. (inklusive Cassette).
Terrell, Peter, et al. Unabridged Dictionary German-English. 4th ed. New York, NY: Harper Collins, 1999. ISBN: 0062702351. (Full-size, hard cover.)
Zweig, Stefan. Schachnovelle. Edited by Harry Zohn. New York, NY: Norton, 1960. Brecht, Bertolt. Leben des Galilei. Edited by H. F. Brookes, and C. E. Fraenkel. London, UK: Heinemann Education, 1958, 1995. ISBN: 0435381237.
Duden. Deutsches Universalwörterbuch. Mannheim, Germany: Bibliographisches Institut, 1983. ISBN: 3411021756.
Wahrig, G. Deutsches Wörterbuch. Gütersloh, Germany: Bertelsmann Lexikon-Verlag, 1968.
Brockhaus, F. A. Der Sprachbrockhaus. Wiesbaden, Germany: Brockhaus, 1966. Duden. Stilwörterbuch. Mannheim, Germany: Bibliographisches Institut, band 2, 1988. ISBN: 341120902X.
Duden. Die sinn- und sachverwandten Wörter. Band 8. Mannheim, Germany: Bibliographisches Institut, 1986. Farrell, R.B. Dictionary of German Synonyms.3rd ed. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1977. ISBN: 0521290686.
Lederer/Schulz-Griesbach. Reference Grammar of the German Language. New York, NY: Scribner, 1969.
Erwerb neuen Vokabulars
On a daily basis you will write a 4-sentence summary of each assigned reading and 1 discussion question in your Kladde (8x11 notebook). In another section of your "Kladde" enter the 5 items of vocabulary selected by the class. Number the items consecutively, and for each item give lexical information, a synonym or short explanation in German, one or two words of the same etymological or semantic family, and your own sentence to illustrate usage (should refer to the readings). Learn this material thoroughly. Please bring your "Kladde" to class each day.
2 hour exams, 4 vocabulary quizzes (no final exam).
40% class participation (includes, written preparation, "Kladde" and active daily discussion), 30% essays, 30% tests. If, however, you fail any one of these categories you will necessarily fail the course.
Daily preparation and attendance is mandatory, more than three unexcused absences lowers participation grade automatically.
Ein Hinweis
There is a pedagogical reason for the strict and controlled organization of this course: the secret of success in foreign language acquisition lies in sustained daily effort, frequent practice, and constant repetition. Therefore, I will not accept late homework, including essays, unless you have gotten an extension from me beforehand. If an emergency situation or sleep deprivation should prevent you from preparing for class, don't stay away. Tell me at the beginning of class and we will try to make the best of the situation.