Weeks 1-15

Frequently Read Texts

The following books were used frequently during the course.

[Mi último suspiro] = Buy at Amazon Buñuel, Luis. Mi último suspiro. Debolsillo, 2012. ISBN: 9788499894447.

[The Films of Luis Buñuel] = Buy at Amazon Evans, Peter W. The Films of Luis Buñuel: Subjectivity and Desire. Clarendon Press, 1995. ISBN: 9780198159063.

[Discreet Art] = Buy at Amazon Edwards, Gwynne. The Discreet Art of Luis Buñuel: A Reading of His Films. Marion Boyars Publishers Limited, 2000. ISBN: 9780714528328.

Content by Week

The following pages show the topics, films, readings, and assignments for each week. 


Week 1: Introduction to class and discussion of Un perro andaluz

Week 2: Discussion of Un perro andaluz and El discreto encanto de la burguesía

Week 3: Discussion of El discreto encanto de la burguesía

Week 4: Discussion of Las Hurdes

Week 5: Discussion of Los olvidados

Week 6: Discussion of El ángel exterminador

Week 7: Discussion of El ángel exterminador and El

Week 8: Discussion of El and Ensayo de un crimen

Week 9: Discussion of Ensayo de un crimen and Nazarin

Week 10: Discussion of Nazarin, Simón del desierto, and Viridiana 

Week 11: Discussion of Viridiana and Diario de una camarera

Week 12: Discussion of Diario de una camarera and Tristana

Week 13: Discussion of Tristana and Ese oscuro objeto del deseo

Weeks 14 and 15: Discussion of Ese oscuro objeto del deseo and individual oral reports on the topics of the students' 10-page papers.