
Students enrolled in the subject write three papers over the course of the term:

  • Two short (5–6 pp.) papers, the second of which must be revised and resubmitted in accordance with CI-H guidelines, and
  • One longer (10–12 pp.) final paper on a topic chosen in consultation with instructors. Preparatory writing exercises, including a graded proposal, will help students develop a topic and shape an argument before submitting a final paper.

In addition to these writing assignments, students complete four informal reading reflections (1 pp. in length) over the course of the term (students may choose the weeks in which they submit reflections). These short reflections, submitted in advance of class, will count toward an overall participation grade.

There are no midterm or final examinations in this class.

Guidelines for Reading Responses

Essay #1

Essay #2

Choosing a Topic and Asking a Question

Final Paper Proposal and Guidelines