[A] = Appian. The Civil Wars. Translated by Horace White (1912-13).
[C] = Caesar. The Conquest of Gaul. Translated by S. A. Handford. Revised with a new introduction by Jane P. Gardner. Penguin Classics, 1983. ISBN: 9780140444339.
[CA] = Caesar, Julius. The Gallic War (Oxford World's Classics). Translated by Carolyn Hammond. Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780199540266.
[CI] = Cicero. Political Speeches (Oxford World's Classics). Translated by D. H. Berry. Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN: 9780199540136. [Preview with Google Books]
[CM] = Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Translated by E.S. Shuckburgh. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016. ISBN: 9781534847071.
[CR] = Crook, J.A., Andrew Lintott, et al., eds. The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume IX: The Last Age of the Roman Republic, 146–43 BC. 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, 1994. ISBN: 9780521256032. [Preview with Google Books]
[P] = Plutarch. Roman Lives (Oxford World's Classics). Translated by Robin Waterfield. Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN: 9780199537389.
[PO] = Polybius. The Rise of the Roman Empire. Translated by Ian Scott-Kilvert. Penguin Classics, 1980. ISBN: 9780140443622.
[R] = Rosenstein, Nathan, and Robert Morstein-Marx, eds. A Companion to the Roman Republic. Wiley-Blackwell, 2006. ISBN: 9781405102179.
[S] = Sallust. Catiline's War, The Jugurthine War, Histories. Translated by A. J. Woodman. Penguin Classics, 2008. ISBN: 9780140449488. [Preview with Google Books]
[SC] = Scullard, H.H. From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome 133 BC to AD 68. 5th edition. Routledge, 1982. ISBN: 9780415025270.
1 | Introduction: Rome's City-state Empire | No readings assigned |
2 | The Constitution of the Roman Republic |
[CR] Lintott, Andrew. Chapter 1: The Crisis of the Republic: Sources and Source-Problems. [PO] "Book VI: From the Preface." [PO] "Book VI: On the Forms of States." [PO] "Book VI: On the Roman Constitution at Its Prime." [PO] "Book VI: The Roman Military System." [R] North, John A. Chapter 12: The Constitution of the Roman Republic. [R] Yakobson, Alexander. Chapter 18: Popular Power in the Roman Republic. |
3 | Impact of Empire: The Elite and the Peasant-soldier |
[P] "Aemilius Paullus."
4 | Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus |
[P] "Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus." [SC] Chapter 1: Rome at the Cross-roads. [SC] Chapter 2: The Gracchi. |
5 | The Gracchi as Watershed |
![]() |
6 | Marius the 'New Man': Sallust's Jugurthine War |
[S] "The Jugurthine War." [SC] Chapter 3: The Rise and Fall of Marius, pp. 42–51. |
7 | Marius, the Army, and the Politics of Land |
[P] "Marius." [SC] Chapter 3: The Rise and Fall of Marius, pp. 51–60. |
8 | The Social War and the Unification of Italy |
[A] "Book I, 1–54." [CR] Gabba, E. Chapter 4: Rome and Italy: The Social War. [SC] Chapter 4: The Rise and Fall of Sulla, pp. 61–68. |
9 | Civil War I: Marius and Sulla |
[A] "Book I, 55–107." [SC] Chapter 4: The Rise and Fall of Sulla, pp. 68–84. Badian, E. "Waiting for Sulla." Journal of Roman Studies 52, Parts 1 and 2 (1962): 47–61. |
10 | The Dictatorship of Sulla |
[P] "Sulla."
11 | Pompey and the Special Command |
[C] "De imperio Cn. Pompei ('On the command of Gnacus Pompeius')." [SC] Chapter 5: The Rise of Pompey. |
12 | Cicero Saves the Republic: The Conspiracy of Catiline |
[CI] "In Catilinam ('Against Cataline') I." [CI] "In Catilinam ('Against Cataline') II." [S] "Catiline's War." |
13 | The Three-headed Monster: Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar |
[A] "Book II, 1–33." [SC] Chapter 6: Pompey and Caesar.
14 | Caesar's Conquest of Gaul |
[C] "Book I: The Explusion of Intruders." [C] "Book II: The Conquest of the Belgic Tribes." [C] "Notes." pp. 228–9. [CA] "The Fourth Book: 55 BC." [CA] "The Siege of Alesia (52 BC)." [CA] "Explanatory Notes." pp. 228–43. [SC] Chapter 7: The Domination of Caesar, pp. 126–34. |
15 | The Urban Plebs and Publius Clodius |
[CR] Purcell, Nicholas. Chapter 17: The City of Rome and the Plebs Urbana in the Late Republic. Lintott, A.W. "P. Clodius Pulcher – Felix Catilina?" Greece & Rome 14, no. 2 (1967): 157–69. |
16 | Pompey the Great | [P] "Pompey." |
17 | Civil War II: Crossing the Rubicon |
[A] "Book II, 32–37." [CA] Sections 8.49–8.54. [CA] "Explanatory Notes." pp. 241–44. [CA] "Glossary." [CM] "Ad Familiares VIII, 1: M. Caelius Rufus to Cicero (On His Journey to Cilicia) – Rome, 24 May – 1 June, 51 BC." [CM] "Ad Familiares II, 8: To M. Caelius Rufus (At Rome) – Athens, 6 July, 51 BC." [CM] "Ad Familiares VIII, 14: M. Caelius Rufus to Cicero (On His Journey Home) – Rome, September, 50 BC." [CM] "Ad Familiares VIII, 16: M. Caelius Rufus to Cicero (At Formiae) – On the Road to Spain, (16) April, 49 BC." [CM] "Ad Familiares II, 16: To M. Caelius Rufus (In Gaul) – Cumae, (May) 49 BC." [P] "Caesar." pp. 325–32. [SC] Chapter 7: The Domination of Caesar, pp. 134–43.
18 | The Roman Revolution |
———. "The Roman Mob." Past & Present 35 (1966): 3–27. |
19 | Opposing Caesar: Cato & Marcellus |
[CI] "Pro Marcello ('For Marcellus')." Plutarch. "The Life of Cato the Younger." In The Parallel Lives. |
20 | Plutarch's Caesar |
[P] "Caesar." pp. 297–359. [SC] Chapter 7: The Domination of Caesar, pp. 143–53. |
21 | The Ides of March |
Plutarch. "The Life of Brutus." In The Parallel Lives.
22 | The Villain of the Piece: Marc Antony | [CI] "Philippic II." |
23 | Civil War III: Antony and Octavian |
[P] "Antony." pp. 404–30. [SC] Chapter 8: The Second Triumvirate. |
24 | The Emergence of the Augustan Principate |
25 | Fall of the Republic: Revolution, Crisis, Transformation | [R] Chapter 29: The Transformation of the Republic. |
26 | Conclusion | No readings assigned |