Instructor Insights

Instructor Insights pages are part of the OCW Educator initiative, which seeks to enhance the value of OCW for educators.

Instructor Insights

So why #StayWoke for the course?  Well, I love it because it’s one of these phrases that take a very complex concept and make it accessible to the larger public. (It’s) a way to talk about critical consciousness . . . (and) it means to be alert to the kind of propaganda that passes for history.

— Michel DeGraff

In the following videos, Professor Michel DeGraff describes various aspects of how he teaches 24.912 Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies.


Guest Speaker Insights

Any interchange with the world that will improve it, that will deal with the innumerable problems that exist, has to be based on an understanding of social, political, and economic realities—otherwise you can’t act in any serious way.

— Noam Chomsky

Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky was a featured guest lecturer in 24.912 Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies. Prior to facilitating a classroom discussion with students, he sat down with the OCW Educator Project Manager to share his insights about contemporary language issues and the value of the course materials for learners. The following videos capture excerpts of their conversation.


Student Insights

In order to be able to change the world, first we have to understand ourselves. (This course) helped me do a lot of that, such as navigating the tensions between how I am read and how I am, and trying to figure out those differences.

— Lorraine Wong, MIT Student

In the following videos, three students share insights about their experiences in 24.912 Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies.


Curriculum Information



Requirements Satisfied




This course can be applied toward a Bachelor of Science in Women’s and Gender Studies, but is not required.


Every spring semester

The Classroom

  • Small classroom with chalkboard lined walls and a single long table in the center lined with chairs.


    Seminars were held in a classroom with one large table to facilitate discussion, an AV system, and chalkboards.



Grade Breakdown

The students' grades were based on the following activities:

The color used on the preceding chart which represents the percentage of the total grade contributed by oral presentations. 15% Oral presentations
The color used on the preceding chart which represents the percentage of the total grade contributed by assignments 1 & 2 (15% each). 30% Essay 1 (PDF) & Essay 2 (PDF) (15% each)
The color used on the preceding chart which represents the percentage of the total grade contributed by assignments 3 & 4 (20% each). 40% Essay 3 (PDF) & Revision (20% each)
The color used on the preceding chart which represents the percentage of the total grade contributed by attendance and participation. 15% Attendance and participation

Instructor Insights on Assessment

A rubric was used to assess student writing.

Student Information

19 students took this course when it was taught in Spring 2017.

Breakdown by Year

Mostly juniors and seniors, a few freshmen and sophomores

Breakdown by Major

Students were concentrating in a variety of majors.

Typical Student Background

A few students in the course were children of undocumented migrant workers. The sharing of their personal biographies enriched the course because it allowed students who had not had this experience to begin to deconstruct the notion of “illegal immigrants.” Through discussions with their peers, they came to understand that there are acts that are illegal, but that people cannot be illegal.


How Student Time Was Spent

During an average week, students were expected to spend 12 hours on the course, roughly divided as follows:

In Class

3 hours per week
  • Met 2 times per week for 1.5 hours per session; 26 sessions total; mandatory attendance.
  • Students participated in discussions and made presentations during class sessions. Sessions also included lectures from the instructor and other guests.

Out of Class

9 hours per week
  • Students prepared readings, wrote essays, and worked on their presentations outside of class.

Semester Breakdown

1 No classes throughout MIT. Class meeting scheduled. No session scheduled. Class meeting scheduled. No session scheduled.
2 No session scheduled. Class meeting scheduled. No session scheduled. Class meeting scheduled. No session scheduled.
3 No classes throughout MIT. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. Class meeting scheduled. No session scheduled.
4 No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. Essay is due.
5 No session scheduled. Class meeting scheduled. No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled.
6 No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled.
7 No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. Essay is due.
8 No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT.
9 No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled.
10 No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled.
11 No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled.
12 No session scheduled. Presentations scheduled. No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. Essay is due.
13 No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled. Class meeting scheduled. No session scheduled.
14 No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. Essay is due.
15 No session scheduled. Guest lecture scheduled. No session scheduled. Class meeting scheduled. No classes throughout MIT.
16 No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT.
Displays the color and pattern used on the preceding table to indicate dates when classes are not held at MIT. No classes throughout MIT
Displays the color used on the preceding table to indicate dates when class meetings are held. Class meeting
Displays the color used on the preceding table to indicate dates when presentations are scheduled. Presentations
Displays the color used on the preceding table to indicate dates when no class session is scheduled. No class session scheduled
Displays the color used on the preceding table to indicate dates when guest lectures are scheduled. Guest lecture
Displays the symbol used on the preceding table to indicate dates when essays are due. Due date