Diagram of a typical injection molding process. (Image taken from the OSHA Technical Manual.)
Prof. David Roylance
Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Spring 2008
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
As its name implies, the 3.042 Materials Project Laboratory involves working with such operations as investment casting of metals, injection molding of polymers, and sintering of ceramics. After all the abstraction and theory in the lecture part of the DMSE curriculum, many students have found this hands-on experience with materials to be very fun stuff - several have said that 3.042/3.082 was their favorite DMSE subject. The lab is more than operating processing equipment, however. It is intended also to emulate professional practice in materials engineering project management, with aspects of design, analysis, teamwork, literature and patent searching, Web creation and oral presentation, and more.