This following table lists readings assigned for each lecture session, plus supplemental readings. Most assigned readings are from the course textbook:
[KoM] = Balluffi, R. W., S. M. Allen, and W. C. Carter. Kinetics of Materials. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2005. ISBN: 9780471246893.
The table below provides information on the course's lecture (L) and recitation (R) sessions.
L1 | Introduction: Fields and Gradients; Fluxes; Continuity Equation | KoM, chapter 1. |
R1 | Recitation | |
L2 | Irreversible Thermodynamics | KoM, chapter 2.![]() |
L3 | Driving Forces and Fluxes for Diffusion; Self-Diffusion and Interdiffusion | KoM, section 3.1.![]() |
R2 | Recitation | |
L4 | Interdiffusion; Effects of Electrical Potential, Capillarity, and Stress on Diffusion Potential | KoM, sections 3.2-3.5. |
L5 | Effects of Capillarity and Stress on Diffusion | KoM, sections 3.4-3.5. |
L6 | The Diffusion Equation | KoM, sections 4.1-4.1.2 and 4.2. |
R3 | Recitation | |
L7 | Solutions to the Diffusion Equation - I | KoM, sections 4.3-4.5. |
L8 | Solutions to the Diffusion Equation - II | KoM, sections 5.1-5.2.4. |
L9 | Solutions to the Diffusion Equation - III | KoM, sections 5.2.4-5.2.6. |
R4 | Recitation | |
L10 | Activated Jump Processes | KoM, sections 7.1-7.1.2 and 7.2. |
L11 | Diffusion Resulting from Discrete Jumps | KoM, section 7.2. |
L12 | Diffusion in Crystals | KoM, sections 8.1-8.2.1. |
R5 | Recitation | |
Exam 1 | ||
L13 | Atomic Models for Diffusivities - I | KoM, section 8.2.![]() |
L14 | Atomic Models for Diffusivities - II | KoM, section 8.2. |
R6 | Recitation | |
L15 | Short-Circuit Diffusion in Crystals | KoM, chapter 9. |
L16 | Diffusion in Noncrystalline Materials | KoM, chapter 10. |
L17 | Surface Evolution Due to Capillary Forces | KoM, section 14.1. |
R7 | Recitation | |
L18 | Particle Coarsening | KoM, sections 15.1 and C.4. |
L19 | Grain Growth | KoM, sections 15.2 and 13.3.5. |
L20 | Diverse Short Topics: Anisotropic Surfaces, Diffusional Creep, and Sintering | KoM, sections 14.2, 16.1, 16.3, and C.3. |
R8 | Recitation | |
Exam 2 | ||
L21 | General Features of Phase Transformations | KoM, chapter 17. |
R9 | Recitation | |
L22 | Spinodal Decomposition and Continuous Ordering | KoM, chapter 18. |
L23 | Spinodal Decomposition Kinetics | KoM, chapter 18. |
R10 | Recitation | |
L24 | Nucleation | KoM, chapter 19. |
L25 | Heterogeneous Nucleation | KoM, section 19.2. |
L26 | Diffusional Growth | KoM, chapter 20. |
R11 | Recitation | |
L27 | Morphological Stability of Moving Interfaces | KoM, chapter 20. See Mathematica notebook on Diffusional Growth in lecture notes section. |
L28 | Kinetics of Nucleation and Growth Transformations | KoM, chapter 21. |
R12 | Recitation | |
Exam 3 |
Supplemental Readings
Students are encouraged to consult an applied math book as needed, such as: Hildebrand, F. B. Advanced Calculus for Applications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976.
Balluffi, R. W. "In Pursuit of the Lattice Vacancy." MRS Bulletin (February 1991): 23-28.