The following table, listing all lab topics, also includes resources associated with the first few lab sessions.
Lab1 | Chronology and Dating Techniques |
Required Reading
Lab2 | Chronology and Dating Techniques (cont.) |
Required ReadingRadiocarbon Handout (PDF) Optional ReadingBalter, M. "Radiocarbon Datings's Final Frontier." Science 313 (September 15, 2006): 1560-1563. |
Lab3 | Site Documentation - Map Reading, Site Location |
Required ReadingsSelected Notes (PDF) USGS: The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid (PDF) |
Lab4 | Site Documentation - Mapping (PDF) | |
Lab5 | Stone Technology Lab: Manufacturing Techniques | |
Lab6 | Stone Technology Lab: Debitage Identification / Classification | |
Lab7 | Stone Technology Lab: Artifact Identification / Classification | |
Lab8 | Ceramics Lab: Ceramics as Archaeological Materials, Forming and Firing Ceramic Vessels | |
Lab9 | Ceramics Lab: Analysis of Ceramics as Materials |
HandoutsBackground on Adrar Abu; Preparation for Paper 2 (PDF) |
Lab10 | Faunal Analysis Lab: Bone / Element Identification | |
Lab11 | Faunal Analysis Lab: Bone / Faunal Identification |