1 | Introduction | |
2 | The Condition Number |
Demmel, James W. "The Probability that a Numerical Analysis Problem is Difficult." Mathematics of Computation 50, no. 182 (April 1988): 449-480. Edelman, Alan. "Eigenvalues and Condition Numbers of Random Matrices." SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl 9, no. 4 (1988): 543-560. Edelman, A. "Eigenvalues and Condition Numbers of Random Matrices." 1989. Ph.D. Thesis. (PDF - 1.3 MB) |
3 | The Largest Singular Value of a Matrix |
Szarek, Stanislaw J. "Spaces with Large Distance to l^n_inf and Random Matrices." American Journal of Mathematics 112, no. 6 (Dec 1990): 899-942. Geman, Stuart. "A Limit Theorem for the Norm of Random Matrices." Annals of Probability 8, no. 2 (April 1980): 252-261. Szarek, Stanislaw J. "Condition Numbers of Random Matrices." Journal of Complexity 7, no. 2 (June 1991): 131-149. Edelman, Alan. "Eigenvalues and Condition Numbers of Random Matrices." SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl 9, no. 4 (1988): 543-560. Kahn, Jeff, Janos Komlos, and Endre Szemeredi. "On the Probability that a Random +/- 1 Matrix is Singular." Journal of the American Mathematical Society 8, no. 1 (January 1955): 223-240. |
4 | Gaussian Elimination without Pivoting |
Golub, Gene H., and Charles F. Van Loan. "Theorem 3.4.3." Chapter 3 in Matrix Compuations. 3rd ed. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, November 1, 1996, section 4. Wilkinson, J. H. "Error Analysis of Direct Methods of Matrix Inversion." Journal of the ACM 8, no. 3 (July 1961): 281-330. |
5 | Smoothed Analysis of Gaussian Elimination without Pivoting | |
6 |
Growth Factors of Partial and Complete Pivoting Speeding up GE of Graphs with low Bandwidth or Small Separators | Wilkinson, J. H. "Error Analysis of Direct Methods of Matrix Inversion." Journal of the ACM 8, no. 3 (July 1961): 281-330.
Turner, Jonathan S. "On the Probable Performance of Heuristics for Bandwidth Minimization." SIAM Journal on Computing 15, no. 2 (May 1986). Feige, Uri, and Robert Krauthgamer. "Smoothed Analysis." In Improved Performance Guarantees for Bandwidth Minimization Heuristics." Unpublished manuscript, 1998. "Generalized Nested Dissection." SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 16 (1979): 346-358. |
7 | Spectral Partitioning Introduced | "Spectral Partitioning Works: Planar Graphs and Finite-Element Meshes." Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE Conference on Foundations of Computer Science. 1996, pp. 96-105. |
8 | Spectral Partitioning of Planar Graphs | "Spectral Partitioning Works: Planar Graphs and Finite-Element Meshes." Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE Conference on Foundations of Computer Science. 1996, pp. 96-105. |
9 |
Spectral Paritioning of Well-Shaped Meshes and Nearest Neighbor Graphs Turner's Theorem for Bandwidth of Semi-Random Graphs | Miller, Gary L., Shang-Hua Teng, William Thurston, and Stephen A. Vavasis. "Separators for Sphere-Packings and Nearest Neighbor Graphs." Journal of the ACM 44, no. 1 (January 1997): 1-29.
———. "Geometric Separators for Finite Element Meshes." Siam Journal on Scientific Computing 19, no. 2 (March 1998): 364-386. Turner, Jonathan S. "On the Probable Performance of Heuristics for Bandwidth Minimization." SIAM Journal on Computing 15, no. 2 (May 1986). |
10 |
Smoothed Analysis and Monotone Adversaries for Bandwidth and Graph Bisection McSherry's Spectral Bisection Algorithm |
Feige, Uri, and Joe Kilian. "Heuristics for Semirandom Graph Problems." Journal of Computer and System Sciences.———. "Heuristics for Finding Large Independent Sets, with Applications to Coloring Semi-Random Graphs." Proceedings of 39th FOCS. 1998, pp. 674-683. Available at Uri Feige's homepage.
Feige, Uri, R. Krauthgamer. "Improved Performance Guarantees for Bandwidth Minimization Heuristics." Unpublished manuscript, November 1998. Available at Robert Krauthgamer's homepage. Boppana, Ravi . "Eigenvalues and Graph Bisection: an Average-Case Analysis." Proceedings of the 28th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pages 280-285, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1987. Johnson, D. S., C. R. Aragon, L. A. McGeoch, and C. Shevon. "Optimization by Simulated Annealing: an Experimental Evaluation. Part I, Graph Partitioning." Operations Research 37, no. 6 (1989): 865-892. "Spectral Partitioning of Random Graphs." 42nd IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science Proceedings: October 14--17, 2001. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001, pp. 529-537. Frank McSherry's analysis of a spectral partitioning algorithm for the planted bisection model. |
11 |
Introduction to Linear Programming von Neumann's Algorithm, Primal and Dual Simplex Methods Duality | Epelman, Marina, and Rob Freund. "Condition Number Complexity of an Elementary Algorithm for Resolving a Conic Linear System." (PDF) (Courtesy of Marina Epelman and other students from Behavior of Algorithms. Used with permission.) |
12 |
Strong Duality Theorem of Linear Programming Renegar's Condition Numbers | Renegar, James. "Incorporating Condition Measures into the Complexity Theory of Linear Programming." SIAM Journal on Optimization 5 (1995): 506-524. |
13 | Analysis of von Neumann's Algorithm |
Epelman, Marina, and Rob Freund. "Condition Number Complexity of an Elementary Algorithm for Resolving a Conic Linear System." (PDF) (Courtesy of Marina Epelman and other students from Behavior of Algorithms. Used with permission.) Dunagan, John D, Daniel A. Spielman, and Shang-Hua Teng. "Smoothed Analysis of Renegar's Condition Number for Linear Programming." |
14 | Worst-Case Complexity of the Simplex Method |
Ziegler, Günter M. Lectures on Polytopes. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995. |
15 | The Expected Number of Facets of the Convex Hull of Gaussian Random Points in the Plane | Uber die convexe hulle von is zufallig gewahlten punkten, I and II. Z. Whar. 2, 75-84; 3, 138-148. (1963; 1964). |
16 | The Expected Number of Facets of the Convex Hull of Gaussian Random Points in the Plane (cont.) | Uber die convexe hulle von is zufallig gewahlten punkten, I and II. Z. Whar. 2, 75-84; 3, 138-148. (1963; 1964). |
17 | The Expected Number of Facets of the Shadow of a Polytope Given by Gaussian Random Constraints | Spielman, Daniel A, Shang-Hua Teng. "Smoothed Analysis: Why The Simplex Algorithm Usually Takes Polynomial Time." |
18 | The Expected Number of Facets of the Shadow of a polytope Given by Gaussian Random Constraints: Distance Bound | Spielman (cont.) |
19 | The Expected Number of Facets of the Shadow of a Polytope Given by Gaussian Random Constraints: Angle Bound and Overview of Phase 1 | Spielman (cont.) |