Course Meeting Times
Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session
Recitations: 1 session / week, 1 hour / session
Combined Undergraduate/Graduate Subject
The undergraduate and graduate versions of this class meet together. MAS.160 is the undergraduate subject number. The graduate version has additional assignments, and is split into a pair of half-semester subjects, MAS.510 and MAS.511.
First Half: MAS.510 Signals, Systems, and Information for Media Technology
- Fundamentals of signals and information theory with emphasis on modeling audio/visual messages and physiologically derived signals, including sampling, sampling rate conversion, reconstruction, quantization, Fourier analysis, entropy, and noise. Shannon's fundamental theorems.
Second Half: MAS.511 Systems and Signal Processing for Media Technology
- Fundamentals of signal processing and linear systems theory as applied to audio/visual messages and physiologically-derived signals. Linear systems, difference equation, Z-transforms, convolution, filtering. Additional topics may include filter design, feature detection, communication systems.
18.02 Calculus II
For MAS.511, the prerequisite is either MAS.510 or 6.003 Circuits and Systems.
McClellan, J. H., R. W. Schafer, and M. A. Yoder. DSP First: A Multimedia Approach. East Rutherford, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998. ISBN: 9780132431712.
Shannon, C. E., and W. Weaver. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1998. ISBN: 9780252725463. [Download a copy of the
original 1948 paper by Shannon (PDF - 4.43MB), upon which the book is based, from Bell Labs.]
Recommended for those who want more help
Karu, Zoher Z. Signals and Systems Made Ridiculously Simple. Huntsville, AL: ZiZi Press, 1995. ISBN: 9780964375215.
Computer Facilities
MATLAB will be used throughout the semester.
There will be two in-class quizzes. Both are open-book and open-notes, and we suggest bringing along a calculator that knows about trigonometric functions.
Your grade will be determined as a weighted average:
Homework | 40% |
Quizzes | 50% |
Class participation | 10% |
Obligatory Policy Statement
We think collaboration is a fine thing, and encourage studying in groups and discussing the topics covered in class. However, for homework problems the work you hand in should be done at least 95% by you alone. If you can think of a system that gives a good evaluation of individual performance and is even better at facilitating learning of this material, please suggest it to us.
Late Homework
We realize that many of our students lead complicated and demanding lives, and will allow you to hand in up to two problem sets late — without penalty — as long as you get permission from one of the faculty or TAs at least a day in advance of the regular due date. The delay is limited, however, and under no circumstances will you receive credit for a problem set after we have made available the solutions.
The calendar below provides information on the course's lecture (L) and recitation (R) sessions.
L1 |
IntroductionOverview of subjects to be covered during the term; basic math concepts; notation; vocabulary. Representation of systems | Problem set 1 out | |
R1 | Sinusoids and complex exponentials | ||
L2 |
SinusoidsComplex exponentials | ||
L3 |
SpectraSpectrum plots, AM |
Problem set 1 due Problem set 2 out | |
R2 | Periodic waveforms, Fourier series | ||
L4 |
Periodic waveformsFourier series, frequency modulation (FM) | ||
L5 |
Basis functions and orthogonalityDefinition of orthogonality; Walsh functions and other basis sets; discrete Fourier basis matrix |
Problem set 2 due Problem set 3 out | |
R3 | Periodicity | ||
L6 |
Sampling ISampling theorem, aliasing | ||
R4 | Periodicity, spectrum of a periodic functions, basis functions, D-to-C conversion | ||
L7 |
Sampling IIReconstruction |
Problem set 3 due Problem set 4 out | |
L8 | Psychophysics, psychoacoustics, and other physiological signals | ||
R5 | C-to-D conversion, folding, aliasing, resampling, unsharp mask, psychoacoustics | ||
R6 | Introduction to information theory, Markov processes, entropy coding | ||
L9 |
Communication theory IErgodic processes/Markov models; choice, uncertainty and entropy; Shannon's fundamental theorem for a noiseless channel; entropy coding | ||
L10 |
Communication theory IIDiscrete channels with noise; continuous channels; error detection and correction | ||
R7 | Noisy channels, repeat rodes, Hamming code error correction | ||
L11 | Pre-quiz wrap-up | Problem set 4 due | |
L12 | Quiz 1 | ||
End of MAS.510; start of MAS.511 | |||
L13 |
Discrete-time systems IFIR filters. Impulse response. Convolution | Problem set 5 out | |
L14 |
Discrete-time systems IIImplementations of general LTI systems | ||
R8 |
Quiz review FIR filters, impulse response, convolution, block diagrams | ||
L15 |
Frequency response IResponse of FIR systems; properties |
Problem set 5 due Problem set 6 out | |
L16 | Frequency response II | ||
R9 | FIR filters, impulse response, convolution review, frequency response | ||
L17 |
Z-transform, IDefinitions; convolution and the Z-transform; poles and zeros |
Problem set 6 due Problem set 7 out | |
R10 | Frequency response, system response, Z-transform | ||
L18 |
IIR systemsDefinitions; impulse response and frequency response | ||
L19 |
Z-transforms IIInverse Z-transform; stability; partial fraction expansion | Problem set 7 due | |
L20 |
Spectrum analysis IThe DFT; fast algorithms | Problem set 8 out | |
R11 | Inverse Z-transform, zeros, partial fraction expansion, long division, DFT, FFT | ||
L21 |
Spectrum analysis IIThe DTFT | ||
L22 | Practical filter design | ||
R12 | Phase, equivalent system representation, filter design, windows, and cepstrum analysis | ||
L23 |
Pre-quiz wrap-up and practical communication systemsReal-world modulation and demodulation methods; spread-spectrum | Problem set 8 due | |
L24 | Quiz 2 |