A composite image whose cells contain example images of each student's work. Cell boundaries were blended with custom software developed by MAS.961 student Marc Downie. (Courtesy of Marc Downie. Used with permission.)
Prof. John Maeda
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Fall 1998
Course Description
Course Highlights
This class from 1998 was one of the first classes taught under the auspices of the Aesthetics and Computation Group at the MIT Media Lab, and deals with the very early stages of interactive computer graphics and their combination with the visual arts.
Course Description
The aim of the students from the Numeric Photography class at the MIT Media Laboratory was to present an exhibition of digital artworks which blend photography and computation, in the context of scene capture, image play, and interaction. Equipped with low end digital cameras, students created weekly software projects to explore aesthetic issues in signal processing and interaction design. The results are more than a hundred Java® applets, many of which are interactive, that suggest new avenues for image play on the computer. These weekly exercises led to the final product, an exhibition of the student work.