Detail of the photograph "Tricorder," showing a toy based on a device from the 1960s science fiction TV series “Star Trek” which could detect and diagnose injury and disease. (Original photograph by Trevor H on flickr.)
Prof. Ramesh Raskar
Jose Gomez-Marquez
Anna Young
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Fall 2013
Course Description
Course Description
Students will learn to fabricate, remix, and design detection and monitoring devices for health following the core focus of the Tricorder: a portable, handheld diagnostic device which can brings health solutions to consumers at home or in remote parts of the world. Inspired by the Tricorder X-Prize (with a purse of $10 million), students will aim to create specific component technologies that integrate into a comprehensive Tricorder mechanism capable of reading vital signs and specific disease biomarker detection. Component areas will include optical, electric, biochemical, and molecular diagnostics.