Suggested Textbooks
Hilts, Philip. Rx for Survival: Why We Must Rise to the Global Health Challenge. Penguin Books, 2007. ISBN: 9780143037989. [Preview with Google Books]
Skoog, Douglas A., F. James Holler, and Stanly R. Crouch. Principles of Instrumental Analysis. Cengage Learning, 2006. ISBN: 9780495012016.
Kucklick, Theodore R. The Medical Device R&D Handbook. CRC Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781439811894. [Preview with Google Books]
1 | Introduction to Health and Wellness Fabrication | Medical Fabrication Tools | Tricorder X-Prize—Complete information about the competition, including guidelines, schedule, and requirements |
2 | Consumerization of Health | Molecular Diagnostics | |
3 | Wetlab and Rapid Diagnostics | Lateral Flow Immunoassys |
Martinez, Andres W. "Three—dimensional Microfluidic Device Fabricated in Layered Paper and Tape." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, no. 50 (2008): 19606–11. Paper diagnostics Combur-10 test: Combur-Test® Product Line. Roche Diagnotics. Accessed December 20, 2010. Grifantini, Kristina. "TR10: Paper Diagnostics." Technology Review, March/April 2009. Urdea, Mickey, et al. "Requirements for High Impact Diagnostics in the Developing World." Nature 444 (2006): 73–9. |
4 | Low-cost Microfluidics | Xurography and Legofluidics |
Schilling, Eric, and Paul Yager. "Basic Microfluidic Concepts." September 7, 2001. Accessed August 25, 2009. Goho, Alexandra. "Diagnosing the Developing World: Turning High Tech Innovations into Low—cost Medical Tests." Science News, February 14, 2004. Sia, Samuel K., and Larry J. Kricka. "Microfluidics and Point- of-care Testing." Lab Chip 8 (2008): 1982–3. |
5 | Vital Signs Diagnostics | Pulse Oximetry |
Kahn, Jonathan. "Race in a Bottle." Scientific American, August 2007. Wuethrich, Bernice, ed. "Introduction and Sustainable Use of Vaccines in Developing Countries." Proceedings of the Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute 12th Annual Vaccine Policy Colloquium, October 19–21, 2005. "Students Devise Oral Quick- dissolve Strips for Rotavirus Vaccine." Johns Hopkins University Press Release, May 14, 2007. Mullins, Justin. "Immune System in a Jar," New Scientist: Invention Blog, March 05, 2008. Groleau, Rick. "Killer Disease on Campus: Making Vaccines." Public Broadcasting Service: NOVA, August,2002. Mitragotri, Samir. "Immunization without Needles." Nature Reviews Immunology 5 (2005): 905–16. Garcia-Contreras, Lucila, et al. "Immunization by a Bacterial Aerosol." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, no. 12 (2008): 4656–60. Flatow, Ira, and Alex Chadwick. "Vaccine Tech Could Help Millions in Developing Nations," National Public Radio, October 21, 2004. |
6 | Optics for Health | Multispectral Imaging |
Heraud, Phil, and Bayden Wood. "Editorial – The Latest Thinking and Developments in Optical Diagnosis." Analyst 138, no. 14 (2013): 3861–2. |
7 | Distributed Pathology | Microscopy | |
8 | Midterm Presentations | ||
9 | mHealth Strategies | SmartPhone programming / App Inventor |
You, David J., Tu San Park, et al. "Cell-phone-based Measurement of TSH Using Mie Scatter Optimized Lateral Flow Assays." Biosensors and Bioelectronics 40, no. 1 (2013): 180–5. Martinez, Andres W., et al. "Simple Telemedicine for Developing Regions: Camera Phones and Paper-Based Microfluidic Devices for Real- Time, Off-Site Diagnosis." Analytical Chemistry 80, no. 10 (2008): 3699–707. Szot, Agneiszka, et al. "Diagnostic Accuracy of Chest X- rays Acquired Using a Digital Camera for Low-cost Teleradiology." International Journal of Medical Informatics 73, no. 1 (2004): 65–73. Amithap1982. "CytoSight a Telepathology Solution by KTwo Powered by Intel." Feb 4, 2009. YouTube. Accessed August 25, 2009. ch?v=ssp4cJyfOEU |
10 | Non-communicable Diseases | Wearable Physiological Monitors I: Temperature, Respiration, GSR |
Disease Control Priorities Project. Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries [abstracts, PDF and full text HTML available for download] International Atomic Energy Agency. McNeil Jr., Donald G. "In India, a Quest to Ease the Pain of the Dying," New York Times, September 11, 2007. ———. "Procedure May Save Women In Third World From Cancer," New York Times, March 25, 2003. kwinoy. "ICT4D to Scale Cervical Cancer Prevention." May 07, 2008. YouTube. Accessed August 25,2009. |
11 | Global Health Technology Design | Wearable Physiological Monitoring II: Pulse Oximtery and Plethysmopgray |
Hingson, Robert A. "The Development of the Hypospray for Parenteral Therapy by Jet Injection." Anesthesiology 10, no. 1 (1949): 66–75. [PDF available for download] Towle, Richard L. "New Horizon in Mass Inoculation." Public Health Reports 75, no. 6 (1960): 471–6. "Vaccination By Jet." The British Medical Journal 2, no. 5530 (1966): 1610. Hernandez, Marita. "Hepatitis Cases Blamed on Clinic's Use of 'Jet Gun'," Los Angeles Times, October 8, 1985. Anahtar, Melis N. "Needle-Free Injectors as a Sustainable Alternative to Syringes." MIT International Review, Spring 2008. byronetics. "Aravind Eye Hospital." November 19, 2006. YouTube. Accessed August 25,2009. |
12 | Startup Guest Lectures | ||
13 | Final Presentations |
Supplemental Readings
Supporting material for Rx for Survival
- Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge. This 2005 PBS television series, available on DVD, plus associated web resources, coincided with the book's publication.
Reader's Guide to Rx for Survival (PDF)
Geelhoed, Glenn W. "Surgery and Healing in the Developing World." (PDF - 4.7MB) Landes Biosciences, 2005.
Werner, David, Carol Thurman, and Jane Maxwell. Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook. Hesperian Foundation, 2013. ISBN: 9780942364156.
Gordon, Bruce, Richard Mackay, and Evan Rehfuess. Inheriting the World: The Atlas of Children's Health and the Environment. World Health Organization, 2004. ISBN: 9789241591560. [Preview with Google Books]
BIO Ventures for Global Health (BVGH). "Global Health Primer."–A tremendous resource on diseases that form the focus in global health: background information, descriptive "disease sheets", lists of organizations, NGOs, advocacy groups, biotech companies and other partnerships, all engaged in trying to address these problems.
Chowdury, Zafrin. "Bangladesh Launches Mass Immunization Campaign after Polio Re- emerges." UNICEF, 2006.
Helft, Miguel. "Google Uses Searches to Track Flu's Spread." New York Times, November 11, 2008.
Medical Hacks: DIY projects with step by step instructions.