Mozart singing his requiem. (Image courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division [reproduction number, LC-USZ62-69168 (b&w film copy neg.)].)
Prof. Brian Robison
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Spring 2005
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
In this subject, we explore the harmonic, melodic, and formal practices of western music, principally the so-called "Classical" idiom of central Europe, ca. 1750-1825. Topics include a quick review of material covered in 21M.301, chromatic harmony (viio7, bII6, and chords of the augmented sixth), and chromatic modulation; lecture study and discussion are complemented by work in the keyboard laboratory and sight-singing laboratory. All areas of study will be integrated in a semester-long project of composing a theme and two variations in Classical style.