Course bibliography (PDF)
Reading and Listening Assignments
These citation abbreviations are used in the table.
- [Braun] =
Braun, H. Music and Technology in the Twentieth Century. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780801868856.
- [Collins] =
Collins, N. Handmade Electronic Music: The Art of Hardware Hacking. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2009. ISBN: 9780415998734.
- [Holmes] =
Holmes, T. Electronic and Experimental Music. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Routledge, 2008. ISBN: 9780415957823. [Preview in Google Books]
Part I. Foundations | ||||
1 | Music and music technology |
Oswald, John. "Dab." Plunderphonics 69/96. Seeland/Fony, 1989.
2 | The science and visualization of sound |
[Holmes]. "Principles of Analog Synthesis and Voltage Control," pp. 173-206. Sousa, J. P. "The Menace of Mechanical Music." 1906. (PDF) |
Young, La Monte. Excerpts from "31 | 69 c. 12:17:33-12:25:33 PM NYC" & "31 | 69 C. 12:17:33-12:24:33 PM NYC." On [OHM].
Part II. Recording | ||||
3 | The history of analog audio |
[Collins]. "Tape Heads," pp. 58-63. In [Braun]: |
1860 phonautograms by Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville, restored by "Au Clair de la Lune." Edison, Thomas A. "Around the World on the Phonograph," 1888. Paul, Les. "Lover (When You're Near Me)," 1948. |
4 | Microphones and Radio |
In [Collins], pp. 11-26: Horning, S. S. "Engineering the Performance: Recording Engineers, Tacit Knowledge and the Art of Controlling Sound." Social Studies of Science 34, no. 5 (2004): 703-731. |
Frank, Joe. "Eye in the Sky" (1996). Vallee, Rudy. "Brother Can You Spare a Dime?" Posted by NPR's “What Makes It Great” program. Zanni, Adriano. The Sound of the Ants. subbasshead. "Recording Wind with a Contact Mic." April 1, 2007. YouTube. Accessed Feb. 8, 2010. Contact mic on a grand piano. (Courtesy of Towson University.) |
5 | Discussion and workshop |
[Collins], pp. 31-57, 64-70. Fouché, R. "Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud: African Americans, American Artifactual Culture, and Black Vernacular Technological Creativity." American Quarterly 58, no. 3 (2006): 639-661. Pinch, T. J. and W. E. Bijker. "The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts: Or How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology Might Benefit Each Other." Social Studies of Science 14, no. 3 (1984): 399-441. |
Lucier, Alvin. Music for Solo Performer (1964-65). Lovely Music LP 1014 (out of print). | |
6 | Digital audio |
In [Holmes]: Sterne, J. "The mp3 as Cultural Artifact." New Media & Society 8, no. 5 (2006): 825-842. ( |
7 | Processing audio and the modern recording studio |
Horning, S. S. (Braun). "From Polka to Punk: Growth of an Independent Recording Studio, 1934-1977." In [Braun], pp. 136-145. Nielsen, S. H., and T. Lund. "Overload in Signal Conversion." AES 23rd International Conference. 2003. ( |
The Southern Four. "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Recorded 1921.
8 | Musique concrète and electronic music | In [Holmes]: - "Early Electronic Music in Europe," pp. 41-78. - "Tape Composition and Fundamental Concepts of Electronic Music," pp. 119-140. |
Schaeffer, Pierre. "Quatre études de bruits, 3. Etude aux chemins de fer" (1948). On [OHM].
Le Caine, Hugh. "Dripsody" (1955). On [OHM]. Stockhausen, Karlheinz. "Gesang der Jünglinge" (1955-56). Elektronische Musik 1952-1960. Stockhausen Edition no. 3. OptionalBarron, Luis and Bebe. Soundtrack for film Forbidden Planet (1956). Excerpt on [OHM].
Schaeffer, Pierre. "Etude aux objets, 2. Objets étendus" (1959). L'oeuvre musicale, Vol. 3. INA GRM, 1990. |
9 | Discussion and workshop | In [Holmes]: - "Early Electronic Music in the United States," pp. 79-104. - "Classical and Experimental Music," pp. 333-375. |
Cage, John. "Williams Mix" (1952). On [OHM].
Lucier, Alvin. "I Am Sitting in a Room" (1970). [Listen or download at UbuWeb] Optional
Part III. Interfaces | ||||
10 | Mechanical automations and innovations |
In [Braun]: Brown, B. "The Noise Instruments of Luigi Russolo." Perspectives of New Music 20, nos. 1-2 (1981): 31-48. |
Russolo, Luigi. "Gorgogliatore (gurgler)," "Crepitatore (crackler), and "Risveglio di una Citta." [Listen to these and other Russolo tracks at UbuWeb]
11 | Electronic and electromagnetic instruments |
[Holmes]. "Electronic Music Before 1945," pp. 3-40. McSwain, R. "The Social Reconstruction of a Reverse Salient in Electronic Guitar Technology: Noise, The Solid Body, and Jimi Hendrix." In [Braun], pp. 186-198. |
Clara Rockmore theremin video. On [OHM]. Messiaen, Olivier. "Oraison" (1937). On [OHM]. Cage, John. "Imaginary Landscape No. 1." (1939).
12 | Discussion and workshop |
Bimber, B. "Karl Marx and the Three Faces of Technological Determinism." Social Studies of Science 20, no. 2 (1990): 333-351. ( In [Collins]: Pinch, T. J., and W. E. Bijker. "The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts: Or How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology Might Benefit Each Other." Social Studies of Science 14, no. 3 (1984): 399-441. |
13 | Modular synthesizers |
In [Holmes]: Pinch, T., and F. Trocco. "The Social Construction of the Early Electronic Music Synthesizer." [Braun], pp. 67-83. |
The Sounds and Music of the RCA Electronic Music Synthesizer, 1955.
Babbitt, Milton. "Philomel." 1964. On [OHM].
Subotnick, Morton. Silver Apples of the Moon, 1967. On [OHM].
14 | Sequencers, rhythm machines, and samplers |
Oswald, John. "Plunderphonics, or Audio Piracy as a Compositional Prerogative." Wired Society Electro-Acoustic Conference, 1985. Walser, R. "Rhythm, Rhyme, and Rhetoric in the Music of Public Enemy." Ethnomusicology 39, no. 2 (1995): 193-217. |
Oswald, John. "Black." Plunderphonics 69/96, Seeland/Fony, 1989.
15 | Discussion and workshop |
In [Collins]: |
Vaggione, Horacio. "24 Variations, 2002." ICMC 2002 - Göteborg Sweden. LJ Records, 2002. (Courtesy of Horacio Vaggione. Used with permission.) Internet Archive (MP3) iTunesU (MP3) |
16 | Turntables | [Holmes], "Rock, Space Age Pop, and Turntablism," pp. 407-428. |
17 | Live electronics and circuit bending |
[Collins], pp. 80-112 Ghazala, Q. R. "The Folk Music of Chance Electronics: Circuit-Bending the Modern Coconut." Leonardo Music Journal 14, no. 1 (2004): 97-104. [Holmes], "Live Electronic Music and Ambient Music," pp. 376-406. |
Mumma, Gordon. Hornpipe, 1967. [Listen or download at UbuWeb] Ashley, Robert. "The Wolfman" (1964). [Listen or download at UbuWeb] ———. "Automatic Writing." Automatic Writing. Lovely Music, 1979.
———. "Toneburst" (1975). CD accompanying Leonardo Music Journal, v. 14. 2004. |
18 | Discussion and workshop |
AMM. "The Great Hall 1" (1982). Laminal. Matchless, 1997. |
Part IV. Languages | ||||
19 | The history of notation and MIDI | Loy, D. G. "Musicians Make a Standard: The MIDI Phenomenon." Computer Music Journal 9, no. 4 (1985): 8-26. |
Kyrie (excerpt)
Bach, J. S. "Goldberg Variation No. 24." Martino, Donald. Notturno. Performed by eighth blackbird, 2000.
20 | The early history of music programming and digital synthesis |
[Holmes], "Early Computer Music (1953-85)," pp. 251-270. Roads, C. "Interview with Max Mathews." Computer Music Journal 4, no. 4 (1980): 15-22. |
Reconstructions of CSIRAC music (Courtesy of Paul Doornbusch. Used with permission.): (a) "Colonel Bogey" (b) "In Cellar Cool" Christopher Strachey on the Ferranti Mark I Computer. "God Save the King." On Fildes, J. "'Oldest' Computer Music Unveiled." BBC News, 17 June 2008. David Caplin and Dietrich Prinz on the Shell Ferranti Mark 1 (MIRACLE). Mozart's "Dice Game."
Tenney, James. "Analog #1 (Noise Study)." (1961) Selected Works: 1961-1969. New World Records, 2003. Risset, Jean-Claude. "Mutations" (1969). Excerpt on [OHM].
Spiegel, Laurie. "Appalachian Grove I" (1974). On [OHM]. (RM) Vercoe, Barry. "Synapse for Viola and Computer." Digital Rewind: MIT Experimental Music Studio, 25th Anniversary, 1974-1999. MIT Media Lab, 1999.
Dashow, James. "In Winter Shine" (1983). Digital Rewind: MIT Experimental Music Studio, 25th Anniversary, 1974-1999. MIT Media Lab, 1999. |
21 | Synthesis with code |
Wishart, Trevor. Red Bird, 1977. [Listen or download at UbuWeb]
22 | Discussion and workshop | Ariza, Christopher. "onomatopoeticized" (2004). Music from SEAMUS, Vol. 15. Internet Archive (MP3 - 20MB) iTunesU (MP3 - 20MB) |
23 | Intellectual property and copyright |
24-25 | Sonic system project presentations |