
Documentation Software

For the short communications and final report, I recommend using LaTeX with a GUI front–end called called LyX. This is a good compromise between the functionality of LaTeX alone with the ease of use of Microsoft Word.

LaTeX Distribution

NOTE: Install this first, before installing LyX.
MikTeX for Windows or MacTeX for Macintosh


LyX allows you to link figures, tables, sections and references by tag, rather than keeping track of every section, figure and reference number. It will remove most of the grunt work from writing reports, especially in multi-author collaborations, allowing you to save time and focus on your results.

Tutorial: Introduction to LyX by Michael Short and Tyrell Arment. (PDF)


JabRef is a very good, free reference import and tracking system that integrates seamlessly with LyX. You can install this at any time.

Style Sheet

We'll use Elsevier's LaTeX document class elsarticle.cls.


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