Behind-the-Scenes Demo Prep

OCW Scholar

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YEN-JIE LEE: So to make the demo done coherently with your lecture, a lot of preparation is actually needed in advance. So first of all, you need to make a list of the demo which you would like to include in your lecture. And secondly, you need to work with our technical instructors to set up those demos so that they work nicely during the class. Usually, I come to the class, like, half hour to one hour before the lecture to make sure that everything is working as I expect.

And also there were a lot of communication between me and my technical instructors to tune the parameters to what we would like to demo during the class, and to make sure that the physical phenomena can be seen clearly from the demo of our choice.

And finally, you need to decide when do you want to do those demos.

And what you are going to get is that, OK, omega, omega D around omega 0, then you are going to get large type amplitude. OK? So now, what I am going to do is to continue--

As I mentioned before, I usually like to include the demo after the calculation is done. Sometimes maybe it's a good idea to use the demo as a teaser for the calculation and see that, OK, we can reproduce this result by physics intuition and mathematical calculation. So that's actually the kind of consideration when I choose which kind of demo to be included in the lecture and the kind of preparation before the class, and finally, the timing, which I decide where to insert those either experiments or analytical calculation using program during my lecture.

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