[CE] = Burns, P. Corporate Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Large Organizations. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. ISBN: 9780230304031. [Preview with Google Books]
[CE&I] = Morris, M. H., D. Kuratko, et al. Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Cengage Learning, 2010. ISBN: 9780538478922. [Preview with Google Books]
[Kiefer] = Kiefer, C. Monograph: "Notes on the Practice of Corporate Entrepreneurship." (PDF) 2016.
1 | Introduction: Why aren't established firms more entrepreneurial? |
[CE] Chapter 1, pp. 3–29. [CE&I] Chapter 2, pp. 28–57. If you have not taken Sloan's core Organizational Processes course, 15.311, you should familiarize yourself with the three lenses: Carroll, John. "The Three Lenses: A Guide to Understanding Organizations." Teaching Note 11–122. |
2 |
Initiating new businesses and ventures inside the corporation Part 1: The Entrepreneur Inside |
[CE] Chapters 2 and 8, pp. 31–65 and 243–51. [Kiefer] pp. 8–21. Optional: Some of the material in Class 1 can be reviewed by reading pages 1–7. OptionalAncona, D., T. Kochan, E. Westney, and J. Van Maanen. "The Political Lens." Teaching Note 12–141. |
3 | Corporate Entrepreneurship Frameworks | Pre-reading for Session 4 (PDF) |
4 |
Initiating new businesses and ventures inside the corporation Part 2: Managing the Entrepreneur Inside |
[CE] pp. 90–93 and 225–9. Hindo, B. "At 3M, A Struggle between Efficiency and Creativity." BusinessWeek. June 11, 2007. 3M Innovation Brochure, Pages 10–12 on History of Innovation. [Kiefer] pp. 35–43. [CE&I] Chapter 12, pp. 331 and 337–47. |
5 | Designing the Entrepreneurial Organization. Leadership and the Role of the Executive |
[CE] pp. 209–11. [CE&I] Chapter 12, pp. 331–8. [Kiefer] pp. 21–27. Delker, Wayne. "A Brief History of Clorox."
OptionalAncona, D., T. Kochan, E. Westney, and J. Van Maanen. "The Strategic Design Lens." Teaching Note 12–142. |
6 | Accelerating new business growth: The external tools and methods that can be employed by a firm |
Case: Chesbrough, Henry W. "GE's Ecomagination Challenge: An Experiment in Open Innovation." Berkeley-Haas Case Series. Case: B5672, 2012. [CE] Chapter 8, pp. 251–65. [CE&I] Chapter 4, pp. 109–11. Chesbrough, H. "The Era of Open Innovation." Sloan Review, Spring 2003. OptionalStinson, Liz. "How GE Plans to Act like a Startup and Crowdsource Breakthrough Ideas." Wired. April 11, 2014. |
7 | Managing an "entrepreneur friendly" organization—architecture and culture |
[CE] Chapter 5. Brown, B., and S. Anthony. "How P&G Tripled Its Innovation Success Rate." Harvard Business Review, June 2011. [Download from innosight.com] Nagji, B., and G. Tuff. "Managing Your Innovation Portfolio." Harvard Business Review, May 2012.
OptionalAncona, D., T. Kochan, E. Westney, and J. Van Maanen. "The Cultural Lens." Teaching Note 12–140. Gilbert, C.G. "Two Routes to Resilience." Harvard Business Review, December 2012. [Download from innosight.com] |