
1 Introduction Indicate project preferences from list of topics
2 Guidelines for Kickoff Meeting - Breakout Session Project topics assigned

Teams have "Kickoff Meetings" with clients
3 Definition of Concern and Momentum Policies - Breakout Group Presentation 1 Second client meetings
4 Rough Dynamic Hypotheses - Breakout Group Presentation 2
5 Dynamic Hypotheses - Breakout Group Presentation 3
6 Mini-presentations - Breakout Group Presentation 4 Mini-presentations due
7 Partial Model of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 5
8 Model and Analysis of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 6
9 Partial Model of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 7

Molecules Out
10 Model and Analysis of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 8
11 Partial Model of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 9
12 Model and Analysis of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 10
13 Partial Model of First Hypothesis - Breakout Group Presentation 11
14 Insights Presentation - Breakout Group Presentation 12
15 Final Presentations and Models Final presentations and models due