[F] = Foster, Thomas A., ed. Documenting Intimate Matters: Primary Sources for a History of Sexuality in America. University of Chicago Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780226257471. [Preview with Google Books]
[K] = Kerber, Linda K., Jane Sherron De Hart, and Cornelia Hughes Dayton, eds. Women's America: Refocusing the Past. 7th ed. Oxford University Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780195388329.
[P] = Peiss, Kathy, ed. Major Problems in the History of American Sexuality: Documents and Essays. Houghton Mifflin, 2001. ISBN: 9780395903841.
[R] = Reis, Elizabeth, ed. American Sexual Histories. 2nd ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. ISBN: 9781444339291. [Preview with Google Books]
[W] = Ware, Susan, ed. Modern American Women: A Documentary History. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2001. ISBN: 9780072418200.
Unit 1 – Ebbs and Flows: Gender and Sexual Identities as Moving Targets | ||
1 | Thinking Historically about Gender, Sex, and Sexuality |
Readings[P] Weeks, Jeffrey. Chapter 1: The Social Construction of Sexuality, pp. 2–9. Cott, Nancy. "What is Gender History?" Speech delivered at the American Historical Association Conference, January 2005.
2 | Before the Modern Era: Race, Reproduction, Love, and Intimacy |
Readings[F] "John Lawson on Native American Women, North Carolina (1709)." [P] Chapter 2: Baron Lahontan Describes Love and Marriage Among the Hurons, 1703, pp. 27–31. [P] Chapter 5: Harriet Jacobs Relates Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, 1861. [R] Chapter 5.1: Letters of Robert Treat Paine, 1749. [R] Chapter 5.1: Letters of Daniel Webster, 1801–5.
Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll. "The Female World of Love and Ritual: Relations Between Women in Nineteenth-Century America." Signs 1, no. 1 (1975): 1–29. |
Unit 2 – The Tempest: Contesting Sexual Order, C. 1900–1920 | ||
3 | Sex and the City: Working Class Sexuality and the Politics of Reproduction |
Readings[F] Dennett, Mary Ware. "Birth Control Laws: Shall We Keep Them or Abolish Them? (1926)." [F] Janney, O. Edward. "White Slave Traffic (1911)." [F] Kneeland, George J. "Commercialized Prostitution in New York City (1913)." [F] Woods, Robert A., and Albert J. Kennedy. "Young Working Girls (1913)." [P] Chapter 9: Walter J. Hoffman Describes Childbirth and Abortion Among the Absaroka (Crow) and Dakota Indians, 1888, pp. 309–10. [P] Chapter 9: Eugene Caves Reports a Death from Illegal Abortion in Rural Wisconsin, 1896, pp. 310–11. [P] Chapter 9: Margaret Sanger Argues 'The Case for Birth Control,' 1917, pp. 311–4. [P] Chapter 9: The Supreme Court Upholds Forced Sterilization, 1927, pp. 314–6. [P] Chapter 9: Women Write Margaret Sanger for Birth Control Advice, 1924, 1930, 1935, 1936, pp. 316–8. [P] Gordon, Linda. Chapter 9: Birth Control and Social Revolution, pp. 320–7. [P] Ladd-Taylor, Molly. Chapter 9: Eugenics, Sterilization, and Social Welfare, pp. 327–36.
4 | The Birth of Feminism and the Women's Suffrage Movement |
Readings[W] Chapter 1: Frances Willard Equates Learning to Ride a Bicycle with Opening New Frontiers for Women, pp. 15–19. [W] Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. Chapter 4: A Feminist Challenge to the Privatized Home, pp. 108–13. [W] Luhan, Mabel Dodge. Chapter 4: Greenwich Village Bohemians, pp. 127–30. [W] Chapter 5: Suffrage Militant Alice Paul Goes to Jail, pp. 150–6.
FilmOne Woman, One Vote. Directed by Ruth Pollak. Color and Black and White, 60 min. 1995. |
Unit 3 – Locks and Dams: Creating And Policing Boundaries, C. 1920–1960 | ||
5 | Regulating Sexuality during the Jazz Age, Depression, and War |
Readings[K] Harris, Alice Kessler. "Designing Women and Old Fools: Writing Gender into Social Security Law." [K] Milkman, Ruth. "Gender at Work: The Sexual Division of Labor During World War II." [P] Chapter 10: Black Entertainer Mabel Hampton Recalls Lesbian Life in the 1920s and 1930s, pp. 345–6. [W] Angelou, Maya. Chapter 7: Harder Times for Black Americans, pp. 218–21. Canaday, Margot. "Building a Straight State: Sexuality and Social Citizenship Under the 1944 G.I. Bill." Journal of American History 90, no. 3 (2003): 935–57. Chauncey, George. "Christian Brotherhood or Sexual Perversion?: Homosexual Identities and the Construction of Sexual Boundaries in the World War One Era." Journal of Social History 19, no. 2 (1985): 189–211.
FilmComing Out Under Fire. Directed by Arthur Dong. Black and White, 72 min. 1994. |
6 | Creating, Containing, and Resisting "Normal" in Cold War America |
Readings[F] "Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts (1950)." [P] Chapter 11: Alfred Kinsey Reports on Americans' Sexual Behavior, 1948–1953, pp. 368–73.
Loftin, Craig M. "Unacceptable Mannerisms: Gender Anxieties, Homosexual Activism, and Swish in the United States, 1945–1965." Journal of Social History 40, no. 3 (2007): 577–96.
Meyerowitz, Joanne. "Transforming Sex: Christine Jorgensen in the Postwar U.S." OAH Magazine of History 20, no. 2 (2006): 16–20. Films (optional)krfty1. "Christine Jorgensen Arriving at Idlewild airport (1952)." June 25, 2007. YouTube. Richard RemembersJoePyne. "Christine Jorgensen on Joe Pyne 1966 or 1967." October 13, 2009. YouTube. William French. "Christine Jorgensen – Hour Magazine." July 26, 2010. YouTube. |
Unit 4 – The Flood: Breaking Barriers, C. 1960–1980 | ||
7 | Sexual Revolutions and the Emergence of Second Wave Feminism |
Readings[P] Chapter 12: Feminist Anselma Dell'Olio Argues That 'The Sexual Revolution Wasn't Our War,' 1971, pp. 417–9. [R] Solinger, Rickie. Chapter 15: The Population Bomb and Sexual Revolution.
"Birth Control and Black Children: A Statement by the Black Unity (Peekskill, N.Y.)," and "A Response: By Black Sisters." Poor Black Women, Duke University Libraries Digital Collections.
Hanisch, Carol. "The Personal is Political: Introduction - January 2006," carolhanisch.org. ———. "The Personal is Political - February 1969," carolhanisch.org.
New York Radical Women. "No More Miss America! - August 22, 1968," redstockings.org. Optional[R] Chapter 15.3: Population Crisis: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Foreign Aid and Expenditures of the Committee on Government Operations, 1965. "The Pill: How it is Affecting U.S. Morals, Family Life." U.S. News & World Report, July 11, 1966, 1–6. |
8 | Feminism as a Mass Movement and the Flowering of Gay Liberation |
Readings[K] De Hart, Jane Sherron. "Second-Wave Feminists and the Dynamics of Social Change." [K] Radicallesbians. "What is a Lesbian?" [K] Redstockings. "Redstockings Manifesto." [W] Boston Women's Health Collective. Chapter 12: Women and Health, pp. 418–22. [W] Combahee River Collective. Chapter 10: Black Feminism, pp. 354–64. Ehrenreich, Barbara. "What is Socialist Feminism?," cwluherstory.org.
FilmsKQED Arts. "Screaming Queens / KQED Truly CA." July 21, 2016. YouTube. OptionalMike Gardner. "Women's Liberation circa 1970." May 7, 2009. YouTube. ronsfo. "Gay Pride Parades, San Francisco, 1970–1980." November 10, 2011. YouTube. |
Unit 5 – Changing Tides: Gender and Sexuality as Battlegrounds, C. 1980–2000 | ||
9 | Culture Wars I: The Rise of the Religious Right and the AIDS Epidemic |
Readings[P] Bayer, Ronald. Chapter 13: AIDS and the Bathhouse Controversy, pp. 471–83.
Kramer, Larry. "1,112 and Counting," New York Native, no. 59 (1983): 14–27.
FilmHow to Survive a Plague. Directed by David France. Color, 110 min. 2012. |
10 | Culture Wars II: Pornography, Representation, and Sexual Harassment / Violence |
Readings[F] "Star Report (1998)." [K] Bordo, Susan. "'Material Girl': Madonna as Postmodern Heroine." [K] Lakoff, Robin Tolmach. "Sexual Harassment on Trial: The Anita Hill / Clarence Thomas Narrative(s)." [K] Meritor Savings Bank v. Mechelle Vinson et al., 1986. Duggan, Lisa, Nan D. Hunter, et al. "False Promises: Feminist Anti-Pornography Legislation." New York Law School Review 38 (1993): 133–63.
Walker, Rebecca. SkimBitch: Feminist Response to Popular Culture 1, no. 2 (Spring 1996). OptionalLefkovitz, Alison. "'Sodomy is Not Adultery': The Clinton Sex Scandal as Queer History." Notches, April 7, 2016. Audio"The Real Story Behind HBO's 'Confirmation' from the NPR Reporter Who Broke the Story," April 13, 2016, npr.org. |
Unit 6 – Sexuality and Gender in the 21st Century: Diverging Currents? | ||
11 | New Trajectories in the Politics of Gender and Sexuality |
Readings[F] Fitzmaurice, Susan. "Adventures in Child-Rearing: The Sexual Life of a Child Growing Up with Down Syndrome (2002)." Canaday, Margot. "LGBT History." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 35, no. 1 (2014): 11–19. Chauncey, George. "'What Gay Studies Taught the Court': The Historians Amicus Brief in Lawrence v. Texas." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 10, no. 3 (2004): 509–38. Hernandez, Daisy. "Becoming a Black Man." Colorlines, January 7, 2008. hooks, bell. "Dig Deep: Beyond Lean In." The Feminist Wire, October 28, 2013. Mintz, Steven. "Does History Matter?" Inside Higher Ed, July 2, 2013. Stewart-Winter, Timothy. "The Price of Gay Marriage," New York Times, June 26, 2015. Wallace, Kelly. "23% of Women Report Sexual Assault in College, Study Finds," September 23, 2015, cnn.com. SkimCorrell, Shelley J., Stephen Benard, et al. "Getting a Job: Is There a Motherhood Penalty?" American Journal of Sociology 112, no. 5 (2007): 1297–338. Optional
Spade, Dean, and Craig Willse. "Marriage Will Never Set Us Free." Organizing Upgrade, September 6, 2013. |
12 | Student-Led Discussion and Closing Thoughts |
MIT Readings Chin, Carolyn, and Kamilla Tekiela. Dwyer, Sheila. "Reporting Harassment at MIT: One Student's Call for Greater Support." The Tech 136, no. 9 (2016). Organizing Readings Garza, Alicia, Opal Tometti, et al. "A Herstory of the #BlackLives Matter Movement." BlackLivesMatter.com. Khan, Shamus. "Not Born This Way: Other Liberation Movements Have Rejected The Idea That Biology is Destiny. So Why Should Gay Rights Depend On It?" Aeon, July 23, 2015. Meronek, Toshio. "Israel's'Pro-Gay' Occupation: An Interview with Dean Spade," Truthout, May 1, 2015. FilmDark Matter. "It Gets Bougie – DarkMatter." March 26, 2015. YouTube. Sexuality Beyond Binaries Readings Bahler, Kristen. "Asexuality: The People's Choice for People Who Don't Want ANYONE." Vice, January 4, 2013. Canning, Dominque A. The Establishment. "Bisexuality Invisibility: The LGBT Community's Dirty Little Secret," Huffington Post, February 8, 2016. Transgender Politics and Platforms Readings Horowitz, Jules. "How the GOP is Using 'Bathroom Bills' to Save the Establishment," Huffington Post, April 20, 2016. Jarvis, Craig. "Gov. McCrory Defends NC's HB2 on 'Meet the Press'," Charlotte Observer, April 17, 2016.
Electoral Politics Readings Pollitt, Katha. "There's a Reason Why Gay Marriage is Winning, and Abortion Rights are Losing: Are These Two 'Culture Wars' Issues Really That Similar?" The Nation, April 22, 2015. ———. "Why Bernie Didn't Get My Vote." The Nation, May 4, 2016. Rampell, Catherine. "The Sexiest Double Standard Behind Why Millennials Love Bernie Sanders," Washington Post, February 4, 2016. Feminisms ReadingsBennett, Jessica. "When A Feminist Pledges a Sorority," New York Times, April 9, 2016. Beyoncé's 'Lemonade' and Information Resources, Decker Library, Maryland Institute College of Art. Gay, Roxane. "The Bad Feminist Manifesto," The Guardian, August 2, 2014.
Violence Against Women Initiative Research Database, Harvard University. FilmMusicPlayOn. "Beyoncé – Lemonade Film (2016)." Bing. April 26, 2016. Internet Cultures Readings Hess, Amanda. "Why Women Aren't Welcome on the Internet." Pacific Standard, January 6, 2014. Jason, Zachary. "Game of Fear." Boston Magazine, May 2015. Williams, Mary Elizabeth. "A Viral Video Won't Stop Abuse: If These 'Mean Tweets' at Female Sports Writers are 'Shocking,' You Haven't Been Paying Attention." Salon, April 27, 2016. Prison and Criminal Justice Readings
Military Reading Clairmont, Nicholas. "A Twist in the Fight for Women in the Military." The Atlantic, May 3, 2016. |