Video 24: Fuel Cells for Mobile Batteries Case Study

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Description: In this video, Felice Frankel demonstrates how one can make a photo illustration using a fuel cell for mobile batteries as an example.

Instructor: Felice Frankel

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Here's another example, not as dramatic, of creating a photo illustration out of photographs.

But in this case, this is also showing evidence that you are fabricating the pieces in your device.

This particular image is a CAD image used by the researchers to show their device showing the various fabrications, and this is how they used it in their patent submission.

But this is done in CAD.

They also made a picture of their device, but you really can't see very much about their very sophisticated ability to make the various layers.

And so what I did was I took that device and separated it into the initial pieces that they did fabricate.

I laid them out on a background and decided to try to use these images showing the layering of how the device is made.

So out of these images, I constructed a photo illustration of those pieces using software.

But these are real images that you've just seen from before.

Here's another way of showing it, making it somewhat three dimensional.

But basically, this is a photo illustration of the layers of this device not only showing how it works (with the right labeling of course), but also showing that they did indeed fabricate the layers.


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