Extension of Kelvin's 2-stream high voltage DC self-excited water dynamo to 3 streams creates a three phase AC high voltage self-excited water dynamo. The water droplets pass through electrostatic induction charging rings and are then collected in barrels. Each ring is connected to the water in a neighboring barrel. The spontaneous buildup of low frequency alternating charge on the streams is evident from their oscillating spreading and collapse.(Images courtesy of Education Development Center, Inc. Used with permission.)
Resource Description
Resource Features
Course Description
First published in 1968 by John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Electromechanical Dynamics discusses the interaction of electromagnetic fields with media in motion. The subject combines classical mechanics and electromagnetic theory and provides opportunities to develop physical intuition. The book uses examples that emphasize the connections between physical reality and analytical models. Types of electromechanical interactions covered include rotating machinery, plasma dynamics, the electromechanics of biological systems, and magnetoelasticity.
An accompanying solutions manual for the problems in the text is provided.